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"the Book Of Songs" In The Digital Culture And Its Aesthetic Implication

Posted on:2010-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360278479214Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Number, which also called digit, is one of the most primary conceptions in Mathematis. It means the mark or the letter to count the number. It was increasing developed with the life and prouduction of the human beings, and is one of signals of the great invention in man's culture and civilization. Number always has the close relationship with the life of people, accompanied with the socity's persisted development. Our homeland isa civilized country with a long history. Some number marks carved in the potteries which were unbreathed from the XianBanpo site of five thounds years ago remains, pulled the overture of the Chinese math progress. This fact proved that Huaxia Race was the pioneer of the world civilized evolution at that time.The studying on Number mostly focused on Mathametics in the domain of the nature sciences, while neglected the double properties that it's also a specical letter, and belongs to a part of Chinese charactars. Although many morden times scholars have noticed the impoetant researching valure about Number in the domain of the human-social science, have noticed Number in philology and cultural-linguistics. But there is a little unfrequented about the studying on its aesthetic function in the literature works. This thesis will to research the number's cultural and aesthetic connotation of the Book of Songs , from math, thing-embryology, Chinese philology, cultural-anthrology, aesthetic-culturology anglrs. This paper divided into four chapters:Chapter One exams some basic problems about the orignial of Number , the conception of Number how to emerge: with the ststement of the American mathematican T * Danzig, which been consented in scientific realm, the people rising up to Number's conception relaied on the Number-sense. Through very long time of tens thound years, people knowed to count so as to convery the number's conception. The number's letter creation was late far away from the number's conception. The first number's charactar of our country appeared about Hemudu Culutral period. At last in Shang Dynasty, the conception and charactar of Number were all mature, formed the inscriptions Number on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty, and the inscriptions Number on ancient bronze objects of Zhou Dynasty. The primitive man knowed about Number based on their unique mode of thinking which corresponding one thing with one Number. Number connected with some mystical attribute in the collective presentation. So Number can be linked to man's motion, to construct the distincted cultural and aesthetic connotation of Number in the Book of Songs.Chapter Two introuduces the situation that Number how to be used in in the Book of Songs in detalis. There appeared all Chinese Number charactars in it. The use frequency of each number was showed with a chart. They were analysed to be in diversified forms using in the chapter and grammer, and the simply divided into two kinds according their basic function:cardiinal number and ordinal number. The usage of two kinds number isn't proportionate ,it's different. The difference shows in the aspect of cultural meaning and aesthetic effection in i the Book of Songs.Chapter Three is the core of this paper, and the prominent new view part, too. It is stressness to analyse the different cultural and aesthetic meaning of each number. Cardinal number is full of emotion. From number one to number ten are all warpped in a shroud of mystery, while big number: hundred, thound, million have on mystery lusture which warpped with the first ten numbers. The ancients use them to fabricate the multifarions numbers chiefly/ The poets of the Book of Songs choised them and so each of their use frenquency also is not uniform. From a piont of view, it reflected a aesthetic taste and standard that the Zhou Race set bid as beautiful. Most of ordinal numbers appeared in the Bingfeng July in in the Book of Songs. They were used to imply the detailedtime, depicted skilfuly the ancient's feeling and experience about time: Time has some sequence and cuold flow, and time was circulated and had some rhythm.Chapter Four explored that using-number in the Book of Songs had influenced on the using number in the poems of later period. Making Tang poetry as example, to elaborate the poetry of later ages continued and developed the usage of number in the Book of Songs. They carried on it iin the grammer function such as fabricated indication, stock phrase formula quoted and in the artistic expression such as exaggerate, metaphor. Meanwhile, contract the Book of Songs, using-number in the Tang poetry were more artified, opening up a new field wherever in grammer usage or sentence form or means of artistic expression. It also say, originated from use-number in the Book of Songs, Number constructed one cultural gene that must not be absented in the qualities and soul of the Tang peotry.Number as a cultural shape, shows the aesthetic measurement, embodies the aesthetic principle in the mankind's civilization. Known as a product of ideology, the Book of Songs recomposed people's mental experience. The poetscombined the aesthetic feeling of subject oneself and historical culture which Number collectied. Number in these poems is a kind of reflection in poets' mental and emotion, a kind of aesthetic taste of soul, a transcending reality ,a artistic creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Book of Songs, number, aesthetic, culture, connaction
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