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Phase Economy Complementary To Each Other, And Different

Posted on:2010-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M WangFull Text:PDF
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Since the end of 1980s, Wang Zhixin, a well-known composer in China, had created a series of vocal music works and attracted other scholars'concern from the vocal community in our country. These works are full of national intension, local characteristics as well as strong sense of times. Furthermore, Professor Wang Zhixin had been engaged in vocal music teaching career for many years and had rich experience, so he paid much attention to the singers'own development when he composed the works. All of these precisely meet the need to develop and perform the skill of the contemporary national vocal music.The masterpieces of Professor Wang had their own special style and characteristics, the most prominent one is the use of"contrast and unity"among these characteristics. And in the interview with him, he also emphasized that this artistic presentation technique"contrast and unity"is the dominant idea during the processes of his creation.Therefore, the thesis gave detailed expatiation and analyses on the basis of the special artistic presentation technique---"contrast and unity".In Chapter one, the study analyzed the works composed by Wang Zhixin from the macroscopic view, such as the introduction of Professor Wang, the creation background, categorizations and summarization of the artistic characteristics of these works, and then inducted the theme of the thesis---"contrast and unity"; Chapter two focused on the noumenon analysis of music which included the comprehensive description of rhythm, melody, harmony and tonality, the aim of all of these analyses is to serve for the singing. Chapter three gave detailed description of the practical use of"contrast and unity"in singing such as the management of emotion, application of breath, different expressions of one artistic image, etc. Last chapter was the review and content on the importance of the vocal music works composed by Wang Zhixin.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Zhixin, national vocal music, contrast and unity, singing
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