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Study Of The Rituals Of Cultural Industries In China

Posted on:2010-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, with the rapidly development of cultural industries, cultural industries rituals of cultural industries as an integral part of, has gradually flourished. The cultural industries etiquette refers to the ritual-based culture in order to provide the public with courtesy to the community services and education to promote the publication of books and ritual culture of audio-visual products, such as the basic content to rely on market mechanisms to carry out the production, circulation, consumption and reproduction the organization and collection department. Etiquette culture industry including etiquette service and manufacture industry. Etiquette supplies services and manufacturing industries, service industries, including one of etiquette training business etiquette, wedding etiquette business etiquette and ritual supplies sales intermediary industry and so on. In ancient times, people have a concept of courtesy, have some ritual ceremony came into being. With the development of productive, the progressive of political etiquette, double meaning of culture, to become ruler of management as a meaning of social order. Today, international economic exchanges increases, courtesy of the cultural and political values are more a manifestation of the economic value of etiquette has been the development and application. National importance of the tertiary industry to promote the rapid development of cultural industries, etiquette and cultural resources have gradually been developed and utilized. A variety of ceremonial and cultural companies, cultural etiquette books, etiquette training institutions substantial emerged to cultural etiquette Stage, economic Singing Opera, through various means, the development and utilization of cultural resources etiquette, manners and cultural industries showing a booming trend.The development of cultural industries etiquette than the other branches of cultural industries such as tourism and cultural industries, cultural industries, such as animation relatively late, after the ritual of cultural industries to enable them to advantage in other industries learn from experiences and lessons of development, but currently the process of ritual development of cultural industries there are still some problems which found by the Ways of contrast, analysis, questionnaire survey and interview.The questions are including industrial concentration was low, the lack of industry talent, etiquette and cultural resources and low utilization level. For our etiquette at the rapid development of cultural industries to rejoice at the same time, we can not ignore the question when it born, how the traditional rituals of cultural resources at the new time effective development and utilization of the formation of culture and industry etiquette positive interaction rituals are cultural industries have been long-term development of the core.The full text divides into six parts:The introduction, mainly introduced the selected topic significance, etiquette culture industry related research combing and this article primary coverage and research techniqueChapter I is from the traditional ceremonial rites of transition to a new era, about the rising of cultural industries etiquette. Rituals can be traced back to ancient times people worship the forces of nature act ceremonies, from the primitive society to feudal society, the long stage, China's ancient "ritual" nature more on the side of the political system on the moral enlightenment. When entering the feudal society, the "ceremony" on the gradual evolution of the "rule of law", as modern economic development, the pursuit of etiquette more people with nature and harmony between people of the value orientation. Rituals of cultural industries with the people' s pursuit of modern etiquette in the 20th century to the 80' s further development.Chapter II, the functions of ritual and cultural industries. Cultural products of the material and spiritual culture of the double property industry has a dual economic and social significance. Rite of passage ritual of cultural industries and cultural products and services consumption process to the industrialization of culture, ritual ways of communication, education and other functions to be strengthened, and economic conditions in the market to achieve. This chapter focuses on etiquette and cultural industries have the function of economic growth, ideology functions, the dissemination of educational and cultural functions.Chapter III of the development of industrial society can not be separated from the larger environment, and good political, economic and cultural environment is a ritual of cultural industries to develop the necessary conditions. Government' s emphasis on safety culture and to build socialist harmonious society, the development of cultural industries as a courtesy to provide a policy on support and protection; the national economy growth, frequent international exchanges, market competition for the ritual requirements of the development of cultural industries to create a good economic foundation; residents of changes in the structure of cultural consumption are the driving force behind its development.Chapter IV, analyzes the development of cultural industries in the etiquette problems. The useful of cultural industries is not an easy process, industrial development and the problem will always suffer setbacks. Rituals of cultural industries with low concentration of the impact of cultural industries etiquette scale exert effects, industry personnel constraints of its lack of long-term development, product innovation and low-impact business and industrial competitiveness; ceremonial law the development of cultural industries, the tax system also affects the macro-environment, such as etiquette cultural industry development.Chapter V is questions and comments to make recommendations. The author believes that the development of cultural industries rituals are a source of ritual culture in the development of cultural industries in the process of etiquette must first emphasis on etiquette and cultural heritage, followed by strengthening the professional management of cultural industries and creative talents, special rituals and cultural practitioners cultivate, improve the quality of personnel to enhance the understanding of cultural connotation etiquette to better application of ritual culture, and increase the cultural value-added products, improve ability to innovate; third the development of leading enterprises, the formation of industry scale effects. At the same time, exert the government macro-control capacity, the development of cultural industries etiquette sound laws and regulations provide preferential tax policies for the development of cultural industries for the ritual to create an enabling environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Etiquette culture, Etiquette culture industry, Cultural consumption, The Cultural enterprise manages
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