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Leading To Subjective Real Road

Posted on:2010-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Q YanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The spansih painter Antonio Lopez Carcia is one of the important delegate painter of realism painting.In the turbulence of the twentieth century,in realism and post-modernism around today,with realism direction as his artistic creation direction is unusual.But Lopez with him realistic painting answer the doubt about what people today in the realistic painting,photograph extremely developed television time.Lopez's art began in Madrid,his artistic creation style through the "performance" and "magic","realism" three stages.In the process Lopez is thing the concern of realistic painting and traditional realistic painting.Through the different period of artistic performance Lopez gradually formed his own artistic creation.Lopez also produced many sculptures.He thinks "painting and sculpture art has been wandering in between the two extremes:Grasp the significance of physics and understanding of his dream".Lopez through practice found himself in the similarities between painting and sculpture.In recent years sculpture has become the main way instead of painting.For Lopez the most important thing is to depict appearance of changing things,with the actual things of the prototype anastomosis.Through these to achieve the objective of the agreement,and the instant eternal things recorded on canvas.Lopez's creation process cannot catch up with the time.It also answers the question why a painting of Lopez need several years,sometimes even more than ten years.In noisy mixed nowadays,Lopez's art is so lonely and calm.But this lonely painter Lopez may be the greatest artist in Spain today.
Keywords/Search Tags:Subjective
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