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Trance Of Illusion

Posted on:2010-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M JiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
First of all,illusion is a concept of psychology and pathology.But,it also play an importaint role in art artistic creation.This thesis will illustrate the effects of illusion to visual art.In art filed,illusion discards the feature of crankiness and illness and produces lots of fantacy images.The article discourses that how the masters apply the illusion to art.Superrealism was the most important stage in exploring the subconsciousness.Besides,the works of Goya,Marc Chagall and Miro all reveal the charmness of imagination.In the last,I explain the illusion in my head which for the thinking and feel to the contemporary China.I blend all in to my printmaking.Of course,it reprove the driving force of the illusion at art filed.
Keywords/Search Tags:illusion, visual art, Superrealism, subconsciousness, imagination, printmaking
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