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The Land Of Singing

Posted on:2010-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D XiongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360275465344Subject:Oil painting and teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Peasants and countryside painting occupies an important significance in the history of modern Chinese art.The countryside painting representing peasants by artist Duan Zhengqu is irreplaceable in Chinese arts circle.However,does it still make sense to paint countryside and represent peasants in the current social context and an unprecedented situation of various art forms? At the same time,where is the unique value and significance of Easel Painting? Since the introduction of oil painting from Europe,through the continuous efforts of several generations of artists' modification,whether additions,deletions,or fusion,what the possibility is the formation of Chinese style oil painting? On the road of exploring art,what is the inter-relationship among life,sketch,creation,and the choice of road,etc?Regarding these questions,this article takes painter Duan Zhengqu as the case study.The author connects the process of the artist's growth and maturity with the entire social and cultural background in order to study the interaction between art,artists and society;to analyze the characteristics of Duan's painting works,and compare each work with the relative social and cultural context one by one;to explore the relations among the theme,composition,shape,color and the ethos to study the formation of an independent artistic styles;to study the value and significance of Duan's artistic creation and course in the process of eco-development of Chinese contemporary art;to study its value and meaning of Duan's art in the historical period of transformation in China as well as the thought of society as a whole;to study its value and meaning of Duan's works under the background of Chinese culture and spirit.
Keywords/Search Tags:Duan Zhengqu, Peasants, Countryside Painting, Contribution, Significance
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