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The Lu Ji

Posted on:2009-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360272973043Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a representative writer of the history of the Western Jin Dynasty literary .Lu Ji has great achievements. He was praised as "the best writer in Taikang years".His poetrys and rhyme-proses have gorgeous style,so the research value is great.As Meng Zi said,when study a writer'works,one should understand the writer' thought experience and the era he lived.Lu Ji was born in a great family of east Wu dynasty,and he was influenced a lot by the Confucian Thought,which determined his thought and life style.He worke hard for his fame all his life.This though tand life style almost determined his poetrys and rhyme-proses'content.Wen Fu is the first literary theory of literature creation in the literature theory history. It did a comprehensive and systematic examination of the complex process of literary creation.It put forward many important issues on the basis of the theory of literary in the past. It influence great,having the significance of a milestone. Wen Fu center on the relationship between the world,the thought and the article, express views on the creative concept, artistic imagination, Diction syntax, style and a series of problems . Put forword many statements such as the point that poetry creation is caused by writer's emotionLu Ji'poetrys and rhyme-proses were disputed fiercely in the literature history.The focus of controversy is whether Lu Ji'poetrys and rhyme-proses has enrich content. In fact,some of Lu Ji's works is really without enrich content, however, it should be noted that most of Lu Ji's works have enrich content. His works are full of the sorrow caused by life passes and the contradictions caused by the opinion that advance or back in officialdom.His traveling poetry and little lyric rhyme-proses has a fresh style,filled with real emotion,which are rare works in literature history. Some of the other poetry works also expressed the wish to escape from the peality,which reflects the thinking of Metaphysics.Western Jin Dynasty is a turning point in the history of the literature of the period. Literature from the Western Jin Dynasty period began to change the direction to the gorgeous. The spirit of the literature in this period is for the characteristics of the emotionly and gorgeous. Lu Ji is the representative of writers in this period. His works reflect well on the turning point in the characteristics of the times. He works for the arts to the pursuit of harassment. Vividly embodies Wen Fu's creative ideas advocating clever and gorgeous. Generally speaking, Lu Ji's magnificent literary styles both advocated development of the Cao Pi and Cao Zhi. Expand the performance of the functions of literature, and play an irreplaceable role on the road of creation of poetry's development. Lu Ji's rhyme-prose has an important status in its history, which make great contribution to parallelism dual rhyme-prose's maturity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Ji, poetry and rhyme-prose, thought, artistry
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