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Wei Geng Study

Posted on:2009-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360245976395Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
WeiGeng(魏耕)is a particular literator In the end of ming dynasty and the early Ching dynasty.Afeter perdition of ming dynasty,he persevered in resisting the reign of Ching dynasty,Finally,he was murdered by reason of TongHaiAn.The poesy of WeiGeng to a certainty takes on feature,In the early Ching dynasty,WeiGeng throwed himself into compiling anthology.This text is totally divided into 3.In the first chapter,I investigate WeiGeng'slife,name,the year of decease about WeiGeng as well as the instance of intercourse.Compartmentalized by perdition of ming dynasty, WeiGeng had two periods in his life.I review his name and the year of decease about WeiGeng,Besides,enclosed the activity of WeiGengl research his intercourse with ZhuYiZun(朱彝尊),QuDaJun(屈大均)as well as other peoele. Secondly,I discuss WeiGeng's individuality and the state of WeiGeng's mind, WeiGeng is an arrogant people,as a people stringing along with ming dynasty,he grieved the perdition of ming dynasty,he wanted to renew the ming dynasty,at the same time,he was inclined to go to garden and released his distress by dint of Buddhism and Taoism.It abound contradiction in his mind.thirdly I work over WeiGeng's Xue Weng Shiji(雪翁诗集),investigate the edition of Xue Weng Shiji(雪翁诗集)and collect the losted poss.research the opinion of WeiGeng's peotry anthology,he claimed to express ones' true feelings and study to famous poet as many as possible.meanwhile,I study the content of poesys and characteristic of poesys in Xue Weng Shiji(雪翁诗集).
Keywords/Search Tags:WeiGeng'slife, intercourse, individuality, state of WeiGeng'smind, Xue Weng Shiji
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