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On "humble"

Posted on:2009-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Z LiuFull Text:PDF
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Zhuo (拙) is one of the important academic problem in the field of ancient Chinese aesthetics and art. This proposition has deeply embodied the cultural characteristic of Chinese. It had great influence on the following Chinese classic literature art theory and creation of literature artistic. A lots of artists devote themselves to pursuing the naturally expressive method. Zhuo(拙) minds fortuity natures and spontaneity. It is a high-placed aesthetics category. Therefore, it is very important to research Zhuo(拙) in the aesthetics way.Zhuo(拙) contains many meanings. Although there have been numerous reaches on Zhuo (拙)in the field of cultural theory and the aesthetics field, there are few works on art natures in the aesthetics field. So this thesis attaches important to analyse Zhuo's implications. In contrast with clamourous, flashy the present literary circles, we need to develop Zhuo's meanings.The thesis focuses on analysis of Zhuo's development process, Zhuo's aesthetics connotations and its philosophy implication on the base of the literary practices and literary theories. The full dissertation is divided into five parts.Part one. Meaning connotation. This part is the connotations of Chinese ancient concept on Zhuo(拙) and the history of its birth and development. It starts from the origins of the thought of Zhuo (拙)in history of Chinese culture and concentrates on the meaning of Zhuo(拙). As an aesthetic category, Zhuo(拙) has the meaning of existence significance, which has the embodiment of clumsy, coarse; the meaning of philosophy significance, which has the embodiment of"wisdom disguised as slow-wittedness"; the meaning of culture significance, which has the embodiment of simplyPart two. Combining each era historical culture characteristic, this part makes a concrete analysis of Zhuo(拙) and the route of Zhuo(拙) development. As to its history, Chinese people dislike Zhuo(拙), that time art attached importance to tranform Zhuo(拙) to ingenious. Its sprouting stage is Tang Dynasties. Falling in"wisdom disguised as slow-wittedness","recover self's original simplicity"philosophical thought effect, people began to discuss it from the angle of literary art. Zhuo(拙) turns into the important category. Its mature stage is the Ming and Qing Dynasties. More and more literaty studied it, and its range was extended to calligraphy, painting and so on.Part three. Its part is the presentation of Chinese ancient aesthetic viewpoints of cirle in traditional art. Chinese ancient people attaches great importance to Zhuo(拙) from different spheres.Its domains includes poem, ci, calligraphy, painting. Have expounded Zhuo(拙) this on aesthetic category cognition.Part four. Aesthetic forms of Zhuo(拙). Zhuo(拙) have embodied the fundamental Chinese aesthetics characteristic.Linking each times art creation and viewpoint, the aesthetic characteristic of Zhuo(拙) consists of mainly three aspects: simplicity form, deeply emotion, naturally expression.Part five. This part is the philosophical basis of traditional aesthetic viewpoints of the Zhuo(拙). It has represented one kind of very high realm. The nature of Zhuo(拙) reflects the freedom of spirit. The inner life significance of Zhuo(拙) emphasizes inhereent quality, homeliness, simplicity. It has a very important signifinance to people's development, making them a higher and perfect state.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhuo, aesthetic understanding, wisdom disguised as slow-wittedness
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