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Poems Using Rhyme. The Right To German Public Opinion Research

Posted on:2009-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360242495108Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Quan Deyu was a politician and writer in the Middle Tang period. Although he was in the era of social changes, he took part in Ancient Chinese Prose activity and the examination system reforms and rewarded people with talent and selected many gifted people, who became the elites of Tang's politics and cultures. He wrote all sorts of poetry and was excellent at them, and some are said that to be like the prosperous Tang Dynasty poems. His proses were written for the purpose of illustrating aspiration and making the reason clear. He put stresses on the social function of the times. He had great impact on the literary creation in the Tang Dynasty, playing an epoch part in the Tang literature history.In recent years, scholars start the study of Quan Deyu, but these are mainly focused on aspects of his literature, and seldom on the rhyme he used in his poetries. For this reason, the author chooses the rhyme in his poetries and articles as the main study object in this paper, employing all kinds of series connected type and inductive methods, aiming to investigate the rhyme features and the actual phonetic phenomenon they reflected at that time. It is hoped that some findings and rules can be concluded through comparison between rhymes used in his poems and essays.This thesis includes four parts.Chapter One: IntroductionThis chapter is an introduction about Quan Deyu, his poetry and essays and his influence on his times, and giving a brief illustration of the value of sounds though rhymes in poetry and essays, research subjects, selected versions, the number of poetry and essays and research methods.Chapter Two: Analysis on rhymes in poemsThis chapter contains three parts:Part one:rhymes in modern-style poemsAfter a study on the rhymes of 206 modern-style poems by Quan Deyu, we found that the rhymes in them are nearly the same as the provisions in Guangyun. There are only three cases not complying with the rules: rhyme"You(尤)"falling into rhymes"Mu(模)"and"Yu(虞)", while rhyme"Xin(欣)"into rhyme"Zhen(真)", which reflects the actual facts of sound changes.The discussion of special rhyme words includes two cases, namely"Lun(论)"and"Guo(过)".Part two: Rhymes in pre-Tang poemsA study on the rhymes of 186 pre-Tang poems shows that pre-Tang poems have fewer restrictions than modern-style poems on the aspect of rhymes. However, the comparison on oblique tones and even tones indicates that Quan Deyu was greatly influenced by the rhymes specified by the authority when he created pre-Tang poems.There were an outstanding number of extraordinary cases of rhymes in pre-Tang poems by Quan Deyu, but most of which were of the same tone. In the cases of different tones, falling-rising tones and falling tones in a rhyme take a majority, but it is no means the reason of so little sonants with falling-rising tones turning into falling tones.A discussion is also conducted on special rhyme words in pre-Tang poems, including"Wang(忘), Wang(望), Tui(推), Ju(车), Xing(行), Chang(长), Su(宿), Guo(过), Dian('), Kan(看), Bing(并), Xing(')"and so on.Part three:Analysis and distinction of textual criticism of poems by Quan Deyu.They are mainly from the following three aspects: number of the texts, arrangements of sentences, and dictions.By the comparison of poetic rhyme characteristics between his pre-Tang poems and modern-style poems, a summary of his poetic rhyme features is obtained, thus concluding the similarities and differences.Chapter Three: Analysis on rhymes in essaysThough the study of the 589 rhyme segments in Quan Deyu's 132 essays (8 excluded), we found that the rhymes in them are looser, not compact and well organized as poetry, but they expressed more factual phonetic phenomenon and have more research value.There are 41 cases of different She(摄) in rhymes, among which are 85 oblique tones and even tones rhyme segments, most of which are falling-rising tones and falling tones. This indicates the developments of sonants with falling-rising tones turning into falling tones in middle Tang dynasty. The major sonants with falling-rising tones concerned including words"Dong(动),Shi(恃),Si(騃),Si(祀),Shi(士),Shi(氏),Fu(父),Bu(部),Fu(妇),Di(弟),Hai(骇),Fen(愤),Xian(限),Shang(上),Xing(幸),Jing(静),Hou(后),Jiu(舅),Hu(户),Fu(辅)"A discussion is also conducted on special rhyme words including"Xia(下),Fou(否),Yi(易),Na(那),Cha(差),Sang(丧),Zheng(正),Sheng(盛),Yun(沄),Da(大),Du(度),Jiao(教)"and so on.By concluding the rhyme characteristics of rhymes in essays written by Quan Deyu and the phenomenon expressed in them, a summary of phonetic features of his age is obtained. Chapter Four: ConclusionA conclusion of similarities and differences is made by the comparison of rhymes used in poems and essays composed by Quan Deyu.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quan Deyu, Rhymes in poems and essays, Comparison
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