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Exploration And Study Of The Choral Tune

Posted on:2008-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S KouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chorus,in this music category, work contents reveals harmony and chorus having extremely inalienable connection , the rational pitch and accuracy in pitch are the important factor composing harmonious, the decisive position of there exist being irreplaceable , carrying out concrete research and analysis on them, is so significance in the practical.The purpose of this article is expected taking the accuracy in pitch as eager point, passing to the essentially study, such as physics acoustics, physiology, music psychology and vocal music etc. we can find out the chorus accuracy in pitch's universality and individuality characteristic.Any object in the world has dual characters, the accuracy in pitch so it is, it has both absoluteness and relativity, also including the subjective which expressing emotion from the music. The topic of this thesis is: analyses the common character and particularity of the chorus'accuracy in pitch, and express its diversity, union experience from theory and rehearses. An then, put the chorus singing more stylize, from angles such as some theory and vocal music, help a conductor to manage the correct concept understanding the accuracy in pitch, reaching theory and practice together, that's being my writing main purpose here.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chorus, Pitch, Accuracy in pitch, Absoluteness, Relativity
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