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Tao Yuanming's Aesthetic Implication And Contemporary Significance

Posted on:2008-11-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360215964628Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
We have studied Taoyuanming for a long time ,but these days more scholars are strongly interested in his works .As a matter of fact , most documents just emphasized on sociology, literature ,ethics . Nevertheless , I just concerned about his aesthetic area , even if the most research have been studied on aesthetics , they are incomplete. So I want to get a bird -eye view of his works. Of course, I mainly devoted all my energy to the study of his aesthetic experiences, meanings and its influence on contemporary society .Tao's works concerned mainly about personality aesthetics, idyllic aesthetics and society aesthetics. As he is sentimental and detached, his personality attracts more people to study his works, I have put more words in this field as well .The most important part of my paper is about his idyllic aesthetics ,I begin the study from the origin of Chinese nature aesthetics to the discovery of his idyllic aesthetics , end with idyll features ,formations and the ways of the creation. Comparatively, the society aesthetics is brief.He is an enthusiastic and genuine writer. His poetry has a great value of aesthetics .Tao integrated the Taoism and the Confucianism together.For one hand,such as his detaching from the fame and wealth, enjoying the life in countryside. On the other hand, we can also find the feature of the Confucianism, such as he valued the family and friendship. Whatever he wrote and did both indicate his aesthetic concept. His personality aesthetics is the foundation of his poetry . At the same time, his idyllic aesthetics presents his personality aesthetics. Although his nature aesthetics has the factor of ancient tradition , his great achievement is the discovery of rural beauty . The discovery widened the sight of traditional nature aesthetics and enriched the range of aesthetic subjects. Moreover he created a new theme of Chinese poetry aesthetics: the beauty of simplicity and serenity. It is the first writer who real appreciate the rural scenery and tranquility . His appreciation highly shows the integration of the Taoism and Confucianism. He could discover the unique beauty of the rural life because of his tranquility. For example, "pick chrysanthemum near the eastern fence" becomes a illustration of the Chinese idyll ,it also becomes one of symbols of the oriental spirit. Some of his words drew the inspiration from nature , this made his excellent works can hardly be imitated by other poets. The aesthetics form of his idyll should be the grace. His harmonious soul and sense made him capture the essence beauty of the scenery . The thoughts in his poetry are the mix of nature and mood .Of course , behind the lines we more or less can spy his generosity , I think this is a minor feature of his aesthetics form . As his idyllic aesthetics, he became the most distinguished poet in the Chinese literature history. In the term of his society aesthetics ,the typical example is his essay The Life In THE Fairyland Full of Peach Blossom. The society what Tao appreciated is simple and harmonious , where there was no exploiter and wars , separating from the ugly real world at his age, people live a self-sufficiency life. This society aesthetics was deeply influenced by Laozi and Zhangzi, it reflects the desire of the poor who want to live peacefully and painlessly. Although it is only an illusion , the ideal still has positive effect in a sense. THE Fairyland Full of Peach Blossom becomes one part of Chinese aesthetics. Through analyzing the aesthetics of personality ,idyllic and society aesthetics of taos, I try to build a system of Taos aesthetics. I cherish the hope of admitting by other colleagues .Concerned with the contemporary effect of Tao's aesthetics , I just want to help the people who has lost themselves in the transition society .helping them to form a harmonious outlook on life ,so that they can enjoy life by aesthetic eyesight improving their mentality .The building of Tao's aesthetic system still has a long way to go ,we should work together to make it perfect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tao yuanming, aesthetic experience, contemporary significance
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