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Censorate Discussion On Several Problems Of Class Officers

Posted on:2008-08-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Supervising institution in Ming dynasty is an important matter for both this period and the political system history. As the Central supervising institution—du cha yuan, it is sure that we can benefit from its study. But the research is seldom discussed in the governors of du cha yuan. Many scholars have ranged the discussion mainly on the establishment, job description, development and so on.In Ming dynasty, yu shi tai should develop into du cha yuan after three stages: original, changes. The reasons from the following visual angles: history, impact of the reality factors in early Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Yuanzhang's suspicious character. Tang shang guan of du cha yuan includes du yu shi, fu du yu shi, qian du yu shi.The election and appointment of tang shang guan of du cha yuan in Ming dynasty. Elected du yu shi need to have five basic qualities: scholars background, a strong administrative capacity, the ability to handle affairs, honesty and integrity and impartiality. They were elected mainly through the ways such as seniority, part-time, the peace moves, official gifts and graces, including the appointment of an emergency mobilization. Fu du yu shi, qian du yu shi were elected thorugh many ways.The functions and powers of tang shang guan of du cha yuan. The powers of Tang shang guan are as follows: to impeach the Secretary, to correct the wronged appraisal hundred officials, participate in the central decision-making, monitoring, in major national ceremony and in the state legal code enacted amendments. They would feel hard to in the exercise of their duties and limited by powerful ministers in which the most powerful one was emperor.The examination of tang shang guan of du cha yuan in jialongwan. They may be rewarded, promoted, or sacked or even dismissed, their future after tang shang guan is subject to be transferred to other key officials or accused people, the lifting of part-time and died as tantamount. Their future after fu du yu shi and qian du yu shi is kinds.In conclusion, there are still many advantages in the election and function system of tang shang guan of du cha yuan in period of jia long wan. They had a strong administrative capacity, the ability to handle affairs, honesty and integrity and impartiality. Many du yu shi performed their duties, so some of them offended bigwigs. However, due to environmental influences, they were often limited by some disadvantageous factors in the exercise of their power.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Ming Dynasty, jialongwan, du cha yuan, tang shang guan
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