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Students Suicide Analysis And Mental Health Education

Posted on:2008-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360215471945Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Because our country has experienced the shift from the socialist planning economic system to socialist market economic system, complex and the profound changes have taken place in social situation. In order to adapt themselves to the new situation with fast social development, the university students now suffer from more psychological pressure than before, hence more students suffer from psychological problems which are also more complex than before. Recently, malignant events caused by psychological problems or by psychological factors like suicide have increased, which consequently has affected the health and growing of university students seriously. The university students who are the outstanding representatives of young people and burdened with the construction and development of our country are the hope and the future of our nation and nationality. Therefore, university students'suicide will cause great loss to the development of science and economy. Although the students who commit suicide only take up a very little percentage of the total number of university students, the psychological shock to the university students and negative effect on the society at large are severe. This phenomenon has already aroused the universal interest and attention of the society.Generally, the reasons for the suicide, including social environmental factors and individual factors. The growth suicidal number and higher suicide rate of contemporary university students is related to the changes of the society, especially economic globalization. Suicide is not a simple personal behavior, but a kind of psychological response to the drastic changes of the society being in transition. Because of the society-culture unstable state that is caused by the rapid changes of society, and strengthened competition for employment, some university students have lost sense of safety; and some student's values has waved for the shock of exterior culture and the prevailing of Mammon as well as some passive social phenomena. In addition ,the complicatedness of the interpersonal relationship and the high-speed life rhythm exacerbate the adaptation difficulties for some university students. Contemporary students also an increase in the suicide rate in the quality of the individual. Suicides in the quality of the individual from the emergence of suicidal ideation of suicidal behavior in the process play a decisive role. With the catalysis of some reverse psychological stressors, the reciprocation between the social environment of sudden change and individual fragile psychological quality may bring out the suicide of some university students, resulting in the rise of committing suicide rate.In order to deal with the situation that suicide is getting more and more serious in campus, the universities must establish the comprehensive system of psychological health education for university students including carrying out the preventive and developing psychological healthy activities; optimizing their psychological quality, upholding the principle of "the prevention primary", "the development primary", perfecting their psychological adjustment mechanism, improving their capacity to suffer setbacks and to adapt to the society. In this way, we can improve the comprehensive development of both the physical and psychological health of the university students.
Keywords/Search Tags:University students, Suicide, Psychological health education
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