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Light Sense Of Style And Theater Space

Posted on:2007-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q XianFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Style, as far as art is concerned, is the spirit impression delivered through the work of art as a whole. In the field of theatre, setting a theatre style is the consistent activity and top task to a creative team led by the director. As for the designing of stage lighting, to present, construct and create a clear visual construction and a space style of theatre is the obligation of the lighting artists. This paper, starting from such aesthetic notions as drama, space, and style, makes an extensive research on the developing process and art view of western concepts about stage lighting. In addition, it connects the current status and developing trend of lighting and aesthetic concepts home and abroad, and integrates the explanation of theatre art about interaction between lighting and space style, with an aim to describe the aesthetic character of space style. This paper intends to call the practicers'attention to the significance of creation of light style, to promote an integrated planning and thinking method concerning lighting design, and to clarify a relationship as follows: the space style predetermines the characteristics of lighting language; at the same time, lighting language affects the space style of theatre; thus, the task of lighting language lies in that its flow and creation should comply with its predestined characteristics. Based on all the above, the paper tries to put forward a new approach to lighting design ---"an integrated whole", that is, a method beginning from intuition and assisted by careful and thorough speculation; or in other words, both self-consciousness and rational self-examination are needed in lighting design, so that an effect of"live light"can be achieved.
Keywords/Search Tags:theatre, space, style, stage lighting
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