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A Theological Interpretations Of Medieval Women

Posted on:2008-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360212987818Subject:History of world history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation deals with St. Hildegard's theology of the feminine.The paper consists of four parts ,that are the preface, the first chapter, the second chapter, and the conclusion.The preface Introduces St. Hildegard's life and significant impact,the summary of the data and literature about St.Hildegard, the academic and practical significance,the content and methodology of this paper, and explained the meanings "feminine" and the " St.Hildegard's theology".The first chapter: The background of St. Hildegard's theology of the feminine. This chapter is divided into four sections: St. Hildegard's times, the "Bible" and the early Christian thinkers'effect on Hildegard's theology of the feminine, the contemporary mystical theologians' effect on Hildegard's theology of the feminine, and St.Hildegard's growth process. Section I includes two important events:Gregory's Reform and the struggle between the German emperor and the Pope, the rise of the religious movements.Section II deals with the "Bible", St Augustine, Pseudo-Dionysius books and Johu Scotus Erigena's effect on Hildegard's theology. Section III discusses St.Bernard, Hugh of St.Victor and Alan of lille's effect on Hildegard's theology. Section IV describes Hildegard's growth process, including the way of success,social activities, religious activities and her major works.Chapter II: St. Hildegard's theology of the feminine.The first four sections of this chapter describes respectively Hildegard's thinkings on the feminine divine — wisdom, Eve, Virgin Mary, and Ecclesia.section V summarizes the characteristics of her theological thinking. Section I includes the brideof God and creatrix, the eternal counsel------Incarnation, the world soul,and wisdom'svesture.Section II first deals with Eve was made in God's image,then compare Eve to clothes, mirror and cloud, and discusses Eve and Satan. Section III includes Mary and Eve,atonement through the Virgin Mary, the Virgin Mary as the ideal feminine, the Virgin Mary and the Church,the priesthood. Section IV includes Synagogue and Ecclesia, the wedding on Calvary, mother Church and the motherhood of God, and effeminate age. Section V summarizes the characteristics of St.Hildegard's theology of the feminine: influenced by the Christianity traditions deeply,but it is unique,it is not systemic,in the form of mysticism,and there is paradox in her thought.The conclusion summarizes above contents, discusses the meaning and essence of theology of the feminine, the relationship between theologian's gender and theological thinking,and describes the development process of the theology of the feminine from Hildegard's times to the 20th century.
Keywords/Search Tags:St. Hildegard, feminine, theology
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