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Jiaqing Of The Tibetan Policy

Posted on:2008-11-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R B ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360212985856Subject:History of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is what the author has learned on the basis of research by predecessors. The author tries to make a reasonable summarization and judgment through a profound analysis about the relative documents. Qing dynasty had established direct rule over Tibet through governing positively during the reigns of Emperor Kangxi,Yongzheng and Qianlong. Emperor Qianlong had neatened Tibet local affairs after pacification of Gurkha' invasion ,and promulgated the 29-Article Imperially Approved Ordinance for the More Efficient Governing of Tibet. Tibetan area's politics, economy, religion ,military affairs and national defense ,foreign affairs and so on , had been drastically reformed through implementing the constitution, which was a systematic summary over the early Qing' policies of ruling over Tibetan area. The constitution' promulgation and implementing had become a stable foundation of policy for Emperor Jiaqing' ruling over Tibetan area.Emperor Jiaqing was the fifth emperor since the Qing army seized beijing ,who ascended the throne in 1796, died in July 1820.Jiaqing had been the saddle for 22 years from actually controlling the political power in January 1799.During the period some new matters had appeared, a couple of which should been noticed: 1)Tibetan area's forces took the chance of expanding ascendancy along with Qing dynasty falling into a decline;2)Along with Britain colonialism forces' expanding in Himalayas area ,which had added national defense' stress of Qing dynasty in southwest frontier. How to adjust policies for maintaining and strengthening Qing government' rule over Tibet area, and reply positively towards more and more grave frontier' crises, were two serious problems after Emperor Jiaqing came into power. During the reign of Emperor Jiaqing,he purged the official system, carried out all the accepted regulations firmly by doing his utmost, having made great contributions on further strengthening governing Tibet and the affiliation of the central government with Tibet local one. However, because of the ignorance to the world's situation and the limitation of the national strength, Emperor Jiaqing took the closed-door policy and the gingerly defensive policy, which resulted in hidden peril of facing been invading in southwestern border of china.This paper regards Emperor Jiaqing's policies towards Tibetan area as theresearch object. With the historiography theory of materialism, the author expounds mainly about Emperor Jiaqing's policies towards Tibetan area and its influence, which includes three chapters: chapter 1 summarizes domestic and Tibetan background when Emperor Jiaqing ascended the throne, dealing with the analysis about the evidences of Qing dynasty' decline, the development of the early Qing central government' policies towards Tibet, and Qing dynasty' strengthening rule over Tibet after the war between China with Gurkha. Chapter 2 analyses Emperor Jiaqing's policies towards Tibet,which includes four aspects: l)purging the official system for pledging Tibet local government' administration efficiency; 2)coming round Tibet local nobles to strengthen the relationship between the central government and Tibet.;3)persisting in implementing accepted laws to avoid central power lose; 4)implementing the gingerly defensive policy for preventing peeking and invasion, chapter 3 mainly discusses Emperor Jiaqing's closed-door policy in Himalayas area, which involves three aspects: 1)Britain colonialism forces' penetrating through China Tibet area in the late 18 century and Britain adjusting invading policies over China Tibet after the war between China with Gurkha in 1792;2)analyzing about Emperor Jiaqing's closed-door foreign policy;3)introducing about main content of Emperor Jiaqing's closed-door foreign policy, and judging the influences towards Tibetan area from Emperor Jiaqing's closed-door foreign policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Emperor Jiaqing, Tibet, Governing, Influence
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