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Carnival: Theory And Creation

Posted on:2008-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360212488311Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In all of the researches into Milan Kundera based on the contents of politics and sex in his novels, kundera was described as a surveyor of being, building his unique novel worlds by sense of experience, imagination, ideology, pity and transcendence. Besides, kundera was considered as a rich theoretical writer. His artistic characteristics showed from the novels were the use of basic words, musical related rhythm, multiple-tune style, general humor and comedy. This paper considers that the multiple-tune is not only displayed in style, more important lies in the multiple-sense, coordination of different feelings and balance of related clues contained in his texts. Take these texts into the extents of poetics of Barhakim to survey, profound coronation organizations would be found out besides notable humor and multiple-tune. Barhakim said that carnival is Man's profound experience and world outlook. Not only it connects with literary traditions of Europe directly, but also consists of European type of literary traditions. Carnivalism is the literary language transferred from carnival, according to Barhakim. Carnivalism can build up the type of literary works, can also determine the contents of works。The marked traits of artistic form of carnivalism are coronation organizations, general humor, multiple-tune and carnival language etc. This paper thinks that as a painter of being, Milan kundera's most important artistic style is to take carnivalism as his work's type base. This point can be expounded in the analyses of the use of coronation organizations, humor discourse and multiple-tune.
Keywords/Search Tags:Carnivalism, coronation, humor, multiple-tune
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