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Posted on:2005-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S SunFull Text:PDF
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Teenager's film is an unusual concept. In this thesis, teenager's film only means the film which displays the life of teenagers between 12 and 17 in Main Land of China.With cultural criticism and archetypal analyzing, this paper discusses the developing ecological environment of teenager's film in China from psychology, pedagogy and sociology, concludes its characteristics, and try to seek out whether teenager's images are regarded as subjects in teenager's film. Then, this thesis mainly analyzing the prototype of Chinese teenagers, and discovers how the historical culture deposit into teenager films. Finally, with comparison to the same type of film abroad, author put forward some issues and some trends about Chinese teenager's film.Teenager's film is an important part of the family of Chinese children's films, we will meet a speed development when teenager's film has been growing up. We hope that the thesis is a beginning and more and more filmmakers and researchers give attention to teenager's film.
Keywords/Search Tags:Missing
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