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Imagination And Care

Posted on:2007-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360185476999Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an outstanding literary critic, Northrop Frye plays an important role in the humanities. This paper does not intend to deal with Frye's collective theories, but makes his theory of Myth and Archetypal criticism as the subject. Such theory touches upon the philosophical and basic foundation of the literature theories, influencing culture criticism and study. Therefore, through discussing Frye's theory of Myth and Archetypal criticism, we can obtain a better understanding of western critical theories and the culture worldwide in a global arena.There are five chapters in the body part. The first chapter, named "background information about Fryes theory of Myth and Archetypal criticism" , attempts to present the background information for appreciating his theory through clarifying the development of Frye's theories and the Myth theories. Relating to the perspectives of Myth study, chapter two, "the multiple meanings of the Myth ", can promote our understanding of the history of Myth study and the ideological origins of the concept of "Myth", including the special connotation of Frye's concept of Myth. Third chapter "the myth and the literature", are one of key which this article must discuss. Discusses the myth theory core emphatically which fries partially: Literature and myth reciprocity, including myth and literature prototype, myth and literature structure, myth and literature shifting relations. Fourth chapter "the myth and the ideology", exerted oneself has discussed the myth and the ideology relational question. Fryes the myth ideology view is extremely unique, the myth has become the ideology synonym in his linguistic environment, covering aspect the and so on politics, literature, art factor. Fifth chapter "myth: China and the west ", mainly narrated and commented the myth prototype criticism in our country's development, the research condition from the 1990s...
Keywords/Search Tags:Myth, literature, prototype, structure, ideology
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