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Creation And Performance Of Gershwin "f Tune Piano Concerto"

Posted on:2007-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J JiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation studies the by American composer George Gershwin. It analyses its overall structure and musical language and explores the issues of performance of this music as well. It is revealed that the three chapters of are respectively in a carefree Sonata form, a Rondo form and a carefree Rondo form; Ragtime rhythm runs through the whole piece of the music and; the special Blues steps compose the melody. This piano concerto has breathed novel Jazz musical language into the style of concertos, thereby further paving the path for Jazz music to be symphonized. In addition, this dissertation studies in details the performance manners with the purpose of portraying images of Jazz music and representing the very style of Jazz. This research provides the future performance of uncommon Jazz-styled-concertos with effective performance manners, therefore expanding performable piano music.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gershwin, Ragtime rhythm, Blues, Jazz, composition, performance
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