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On The Course Of The Development Of Xie Lingyun Thinking

Posted on:2007-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360185461138Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Xie Lingyun , an outstanding literator of The mediaeval times , had encyclopedical learning and artistic talent . His literary achievement had had great influences on litterateur behind him ,which had been paid attention to by scholars of all dynasties. Taking the circumstances into account , this paper endeavors to reappear and trace the the original state and the track of the historical character's thought progressing through. analyzing his thoughts in lengthways and transverse ways based on settling the years of Xie Lingyun's experiencing and writing , whereafter impersonal description and fair estimation will be given .Xie Lingyun's complicated thought state and his thinking perspect of politics and life was brought up in his rich and powerful family compatible with Confucian , Taoism as well as Buddhism , and affected by culture of the Jin-Song dynasties.During the East-Jin dynasty's evening, time , shouldered his family's reflourishing , Xie Lingyun cherished establishing exploits and consequently threw himself into political activities. Influenced by his family members and the social environment in addition of characters of political center , pursuiting success in political career was dominant in Xie Lingyun's mind .When the Jin dynasty's kaiserdom was taken over by Liu's Song dynasty ,Xie Lingyun's political status was declined .Xie Lingyun made great efforts to realize his cause which had not been achieved in the past dynasty .From the inchoation of Yongchu to Yongjia , Xie Lingyun was edged gradually in the politic circle , his thought body ecperienced transforming process from Confucian to Taoism in turn .After Yuanjia the third , Xie Lingyun's thought was Protean .During the first two years ,as not be put in a very important position ,Xie Lingyun had no fruition in politics . In his hermit life afterwards , Xie Lingyun entertained Taoism's observing Tao and according to nature thought . During Xie Lingyun's last period of his life , although suffered persecution frequently ,he choose to persevered backbone gamely . Since retirement was impossible , Taoism's influence weakened remarkably . At the very time of being executed , Xie Lingyun represented Buddhism's assimilation of right and wrong , kind and enmity thought to comfort his soul .Evolvement process of Xie Lingyun's thoughts indicates that in the extended life river , a litterateur always make his choice to compose , accepting or rejecting culture resources according to social and his pesonal ecperiences . Xie Lingyun's thought state was like a continuous and changeful florid picture , which was the basis of appreciating the literator's literature fruition and fascination for us to read .
Keywords/Search Tags:Development
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