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The Of Westernization Study Policy And The U.s. Policy Of The Boxer Indemnity Comparative Study

Posted on:2007-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360182999824Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the modern history of studying abroad for Chinese people, the study abroad in Westernization Movement period and the study abroad in boxer Indemnity period are separately regarded as the foundation and perfection period during the development of overseas studying education in our country. Along with the development of studying abroad, the policy for study abroad was obviously changed during these two periods, which not only indicated their historical track, but also represented the deeper understanding and acceptance of western knowledge and philosophy by the way from the simple instrument and regulation to the more sophisticated and psychological level.Concretely, the politicy on study abroad which was made by government could be divided into following three parts, the selection poli(?)icy for studying abroad, the management politicy during studying, the recruitment and employment politicy after studying. Firstly there are three aspects for selection policy: organization, pattern and requirement;secondly, the management policy primarily refers to the morality controlling, study guiding and performance supervising;finally the policy of recruitment and appointment are mostly reflected on attitude, assessment and social effects to the graduates.Because the study abroad in Westernization Movement period was regarded as the initial period in modern history of studying abroad, its policy which were made by the Empire of Qing government presented its special characteristics of temporary, irregular and imperfection, random, plus the government insisted on the thought of " the Chinese culture as basic and western culture as tool", thus there existed the quite big limitation on its policy. The more experience was collected by the government, which improved the policy to be standardized, systemized and integrated until the period of the study abroad in "boxer Indemnity" period. Moreover, with the innovation of education system at the end of Qing Dynasty, A great historical progress was achieved by the government via reestablished the educational guideline and target that properly match the requirement of bourgeoisie democratization.This paper would adopt the theory of the education management to compare andanalyze the difference of the government playing role between these two periods of studyabroad in the Westernization Movement period and the boxer Indemnity period. Hopefully,our government could make use of the beneficial experiences and lectures to amend deficitand problem in nowadays overseas education, which we believe it can make a meaningfulfunction to perfect and guarantee the continuity and high efficiency of our current overseas study policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:study abroad in Westernization Movement period, study abroad in Boxer Indemnity period, politics, education management
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