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Analysis Of The Ethical Significance Of The Relationship With Nature

Posted on:2006-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360155459739Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When the mankind enters industrial civilization era, the livingstandard has been improved greatly. The new means and the newtechnology, like "a sharp double-edged sword of Damocles", hang high atthe top of the people's head, although they have brought good news tomankind. The relation between man and nature become more and moretense, which result in a series of eco-crises such as the shortage ofresources, environmental pollutions, and population explosion. The issuehas already become one of the greatest puzzlements in this age. It isnecessary for the mankind to retrospect the relation between man andnature. One of the effective ways is to rethink the relationship betweenman and nature from the perspective of ethics. This thesis attempts topresent a measure of moral regulative relation between man and nature onthe basis of the explorations into the ethnic relation proposed by Chineseand western researchers.A large number of ecological ethics thoughts exist in China's ancienttraditional culture; there is a unique opinion of ethics on man and naturerelation. The ideas of harmony between man and nature of the Confucians,return nature of Taoist school, and equality of everything of Buddhisminvariably involves the wisdom of ecological ethics; The explorations intothe ethnic relationship between man and nature have been fruitful incontemporary eco-ethnics in the west. It has displayed the interactive andreciprocal relationship between man and nature, and expounded that howthe natural environment should be protected and the balance of natureshould be maintained for the achievement of harmonious development.This thesis has summarized and combed the above schools of ethicthought of man and nature, attempting to seek the foundation of modernecological ethics from it.On the basis of the explorations of Chinese and western ecologicalethic thought, the second part of the thesis has demonstrated the objectiveprerequisite of the ethnic relationship between man and nature. Thefoundations have been expounded on which the relationship between man...
Keywords/Search Tags:man and nature, relationship, ethic meaning
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