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Art: Utopia Patron Saint

Posted on:2006-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360152997669Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hebert· Marercause (1898—1979) ,the most important, most famous representative figure of Frankfort School, is a humanism scholar who has radical critical spirit and grave historical sense of duty at the same time. In aesthetic history, Marercause gets an unique place due to regarding art as revolutionary weapon. Emphasizing the function of art's criticizing and rescuing is the key in his theory .Aesthetics and art become the last strength to save the world. Aesthetics breaks away from the subsidiary position of philosophy and psychology, and become the answer to the mystery of history. Then, why did Marercause put so heavy mission on art? and how did he put it into practice? where would people reach? This thesis is based on the artistic function of Marercause and attempts to carry on preliminary exploration to these questions.The thesis can be divided into three parts:(one) Background of the artistic function theory. It is mainly explain why the artistic function of Marercause come into being through theory background. and realistic background.(Two) The function of art's criticizing and rescuing. Marercause undertakes the important task to criticize and liberate with art. But his artistic intension is limited, by the analysis and screening of all kinds of arts such as "traditional classical art", "realistic art" , "democratic art" and "modern art", we can find out that his artistic carrier which undertakes the criticizing and rescuing function is mainly "classical art", which reserves part of critical negation at the technological era before of the capitalist class and "modern art" at the present stage of the capitalism. Art has revolutionary latent just because of its difference, criticism and surmounting. The form and language, in the eye of Marercause,are the media of the art criticism and rescue function. His concern of the basic layering of form and language indicates he has just...
Keywords/Search Tags:Marercause, The foundation of art, Aesthetic Utopia
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