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On The Management Of Art Medium

Posted on:2005-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q M ChengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Being a systematic project, the management of art media is not easy to be acknowledged and mastered. It is a complicated job to classify the art media, which, the author devotes to argue and expose at the beginning of this dissertation. In the first chapter, the writer addresses two classifications of the art media from two angles, which one are the founded aims of art media and the other one are respective characteristics of art. In order to revel the urgent and important study of the theories of the management of art media, meanwhile, the author in the 1st chap. judges and argues the status of art media in the art market and brings its development into light.What's the position of the management of art media in the management of art? What's the relationship between the management of art media and other managements of art? The two problems are the key points to be discussed in the 2nd chap., through which, the writer draws a conclusion that the management of art can be classified into two kinds, one is administration of art and the other is the management of art media. Finally, the author puts forward a kind of theory of the management of art called "Feng Ling framework" (which construction shapes like wind-bells). From the third to the 8th chap., the author details the cruxes of management of art media about following aspects in each chap. and each part to set a series of studies and hypotheses as well as draws a series of conclusions. These aspects are the principles, goals and means, managers, financial resources, the choices of places, management of personnel and the strategies of trademarks. In a word, this dissertation is devoted to break the boundaries of any kinds art media, and refines the common features and generalities of the theories of managements of all kinds of art media.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management
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