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Dance Song Speech Research

Posted on:2006-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360152486768Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this thesis, combining with the returns of musicology, dancology and music literature bibliography, the author studied synthetically on Orchestic Lyric(舞曲歌辞) in A Poetry anthology of Yuefu(《乐府诗集》). In Chapter I, An Textual Research on the Record in the Poetry anthology of Yuefu, the author made a bibliographic study on Orchestic Lyric. Firstly, the author expatiated upon the record in the document about Orchestic Lyric before Tang Dynasty. Secondly, the author analysed the status and character of the record, proved up the reasons of setting items and supplemented the Poetry anthology of Yuefu to make it more maturity in the recording of Orchestic Lyric. In Chapter II, The Orchestic Lyric of Wude dance(《武德舞歌诗》)and the sacrifice culture in Han dynasty, the author emphasized on the sacrifice culture of Elegant Dances and Cantus. The author ascertained The Orchestic Lyric of Wude Dance as a bifurcated status of Sacrifice Poem and Orchestic Lyric. Further more, author revealed the adoption and development of Han dynasty's sacrifice culture by studying the creation, implement and adoption of Wude Dance and Wude Orchestic Lyric. In Chapter III, The Mutual Infiltration of Elegant and Amused Orchestic Lyric in WeiJinNanBei Dynasty, the author studied the Bayu(《巴渝》),Bingwu(鞞舞),Fuwu(拂舞)and their lyrics individually and scaned the phenomenon of mutual infiltration of elegant and amused orchestic music and orchestic lyric from their creation and implement, institutional structure,source and genre. In Chapter IV, the Prevalence and Influence of Qingyue Orchestic Music in Tang Dynasty, the author studied the retention of Qingyue orchestic lyric in royal Qingyue Ji(《清乐伎》) of Tang Dynasty and researched on the genre and the old fashion of Qingyue orchestic lyric in Tang Dynasty by taking Baizhu(《白纻》),Qianxi(《前溪》)as individual investigating subject of Qingyue orchestic lyric. In Chapter V, An Miscellaneous Study on the Famous Orchestic Music and Lyric in Tang Dynasty, by studying the fashionable famous orchestic music, such as Chuishou(《垂手》), Luyao(《绿腰》), Zhezhi(《柘枝》), Jianqi(《剑器》)individually, the author brough forth the style of descant, motif ideas, performence system etc and their influence on the creation of Orchestic lyric and non-orchestic lyric in many facts and revealed that the Orchestic music and Orchestic lyric promoted the "Music of Tang Dynasty". In this thesis, according to the character of the times of the orchestic muisic and orchestic lyric, the author divided the theme into three parts, the Han dynasty, the WeiJinNanBei dynasty and the SuiTangWudai. By studying the performance of orchestic music individually, the author toke the most representative case of orchestic music and orchestic lyric in each period as subject investigated, making it easy to research their historical development and character of the times.
Keywords/Search Tags:Orchestic Lyric, Elegant Dance, Amused Dance, Influence
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