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English - Kazakh State Comparison Study

Posted on:2006-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360152483519Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
English and Kazakh language belong to different kinds of languages' classification. There is much difference in expressing the same meanings. But in both languages, some kinds of tenses can be expressed by the same grammar means.In order to provide some help to bi-linguistic learners, I will enumerate the corresponding points and discorresponding points about tenses between two kinds of languages'. I also wish my paper has some research value in a way.Firstly, I will depict corresponding research achievement about tenses of two kinds of languages. There are 16 kinds of tenses in English and among them 12 are often in common use. Professer Zhangdingjing has pointed out a new kind of tense system of Kazakh's. These will be regarded as bases of my comparative study in this paper. Secondly, I'm going to enumerate Kazakh's corresponding forms according to English's. Thirdly, I will enumerate English's corresponding expression according to Kazakh's. Last, a short summary will be given to end my paper. That is to say, some kinds of languages' difference are only in expressing means, not on each language itself. Nationality is one of characters of each language's.It is difficult for Kazakh students to study English tenses.Today, many English-speakers come to our China to learn Kazakh language. It is also very difficult on corresponding Kazakh language's Verbal tenses with their mother tongues'.During the time I was studying in the Central University for Nationalities, I found Kazakh students have much difficulty in studying English Verbal tenses. My major is Linguistic. What's more, I have been studying English for more than 10 years. I think I can do something on comparative study between two kinds of languages. So, I decided to choose "Comparative Study on Tenses between English and Kazakh" as my Master degree paper's topic.These are bases that I write this paper.According to what I know, it is the first time that this topic has been written directly, except for "A Preliminary Comparative Study on the Corresponding Forms Expressing the Meanings of Tenses between English and Kazakh", a paper of mine, which was published on JOURNAL OF ILI NORMAL UNIVERSITY at No. 1 (Serial No.82) Mar.2005.
Keywords/Search Tags:English, Kazakh, tense, comparative study
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