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The Development Of Modern Science And Technology, And Female Psychological Interaction

Posted on:2005-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360152465649Subject:Philosophy of Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relationship between the developments of modern science and technology and human beings themselves, especially and women' s psychologies, are becoming more and more sophisticated and subtle. This trend has been exerting direct influences on the existence and developments of women themselves. During the Fourth World Women's Conference in 1995, United Nations hosted 'the Non-government Organization Forum", at which an important topic of '"women and technology" was proposed. It suggested greatly the significance of studying the relationship between women and science and technology.On the interactions and influences between science and technology and women's psychologies. The dissertation includes the following researches:Chapter 2 explored the influences of developments of modern science and technology on women's psychologies and indicated that the former have not only provided material bases and technological supports for women's walking out from family and into social career fields, but also have became the tremendous propellers which enhance the acceptance of the civilized society to women's occupation lifestyle and form more agreeable cultural atmosphere. First cf all, the spread of scientific knowledge provided the intellect support for increasing women's scientific and cultural qualities, also provided the spiritual arms for women to know themselves better to develop their advantages and to realize their self-values, therefore made gender psychologies and gender role mode of women change from traditional dependence into modern independence; secondly, the developments of modern science and technology had many great impacts on women's psychologies of marriage and procreation. Women's economic independence and the rise of their social statue upgraded the demand in their marriages. The developed reproductive technologies have weakened their reproductive motive, strengthening their subjective position in their marriage life. The traditional single pattern of women's family value is transforming into multi-faceted patterns. The progresses of science and technology to some extent mitigate the roles conflict of working women as well. Next, the developments of modern science and technology have created not only more job opportunities for women, but also more unemployment for part of them. Moreover, they arouse the differentiation among women. And they have to be confronted with technological pressures, so that many of them are tortured by technological anxiety and fear.Chapter 3 focuses on how women's psychologies have influenced the developments of modern science and technology. The innate characteristics of tenderness and delicacy on female endow them with some special advantages not only on innovations which man have not, and but also to promote the peaceful developments and utilizations of technology. In the history women have made the enormous contributions for the developments of science and technology. At the same time, women also promoted the amalgamation of science and humanities, reasonableness and sensibility in the developments of modern science and technology with their abundant emotions which conceive life, value and sensitive minds. Women's moral psychologies continuously promote the ecological applications of technology.Their concerns on value of social ethics have then become main power of governments' lawmaking and public opinion's supports to rational developments of technology. In a word, women's psychologies are boosting effectively the contributions of science and technology to mankind.Thus it can be seen that the developments of science and technology and women's psychologies and consciousness exists close interactive relationship. While we focus on our concerns on women's life and psychological status, we should not only know how technology directly or indirectly influence on the political, economic and cultural environments in which they live, and which impacts they have received; but also realize that how women's psychologies and consciousness make the various effects to the developments of te...
Keywords/Search Tags:the developments of science and technology, female psychologies, positive interaction, ecological technology.
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