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"jane Eyre" Narrative Of Rebellion And Balance

Posted on:2005-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360122493439Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The essay is devoted to discuss Jane Eyre by England woman writer Charlotte Bronte through narratology and feminism. Analysis on the status of the author and the words of the heroine by close reading and tries to prove that the work is not only rebellious but also comprising with some ideology in Victorian Age. There is rebellious in balance and also balance in rebelliousness, that is ,the work is a paradox.The article is divided into four parts. In the first place, her word is narrated in the first-person point of view, which is rebellious in the history context; while the author veils herself in the neutral name of Currer Bell so that she can avoid readers' criticism. The narrator's word which is calm and impersonal also attribute to veil the real writer.In the second place, this work revolts to as well as regresses to the style of Epistolary Fictions. A woman writer had to regress to the social authority and the existing tradition if she wanted to publish her work at that time. Most of the women writer in the Victorian Age wrote Epistolary Fictions, and in this style the narrator wrote to an audience for her private ear, which weaked the male society in minimum. Jane Eyre is not an Epistolary Fictions, but the application of "reader" in the work resembles the application in the Epistolary Fictions. Charlotte Bronte comprised with the existing society authority through this way.In the third place, this work makes a balance between transcendence and harmonious in Governess Fiction. The narrator in Governess Fictions before Bronte is different from the heroine, who can lesson the heroin in morality superiority; while the narrator in Jane Eyre conforms to each other. Jane Eyre's word is radical in some occasions, but her words gradually became calm, even silent throughout the whole work, which obeyed the idea of Victorian Age.At last, the work makes a balance between serious novel and popular novel. Brone, as an inexperienced but teeming woman, has her own thought and will. She had to compromise to the society context because of the limit of her time and her idea and economy difficulty.
Keywords/Search Tags:narrative, rebellious, balance, feminism
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