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Graphic Design Of The Silver Age

Posted on:2005-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ChuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360122493341Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on a developing view, I borrow the concept of "Silver Age" to describe the cultural situation shaped in 1920's-30's in the field of graphic design in China. That means it is mentioned relative to the present "Golden Age". The context is essentially distinct from its original one, since in ancient Greek myth and Russian literature research the concept actually depicts a state of gradual decline. Whereas, in the phenomenon discussed in the following essay, the item of "Silver Age" fits right to summarize the flourishing situation for a burgeoning period, which provides strong foundation for greater development later on.At the Silver Age when the alternation of New and Old occurred, Eastern and Western cultures communicated and conflicted with each other. The first generation of Chinese artists and designers developed new ideas from traditions, coordinating China's quintessence with the spirit of the era and combining Chinese ancient designing cultural traditions with western modern designing concepts organically. They created a large quantity of excellent artworks of graphic design. Those designs of posters, paper and magazine ad, books, logo and fonts share a strong sense of innovation and have a style of folk modernization with Chinese characteristics. They provide plenty of historical proofs for the alternation of Chinese graphic design from tradition to modern modality. The various trends of thoughts which came forth during the development from the passive receiving to initiate choosing are of great use for reference to our multiple design orientation today.The Silver Age is relative to the Golden Age. Today is undoubtedly the golden age of graphic design. Both ages have similar social environment and same issues of design, such as the debates between traditional and modern, eastern and western. When we are heading forward, we may take some time looking back and using history as our guide and mirror. The semiprecious age should not be neglected, for it's the real joint of tradition and modern. With the re-understanding and redefining process of the Silver Age, I believe the designs of this age will become classics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Graphic
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