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The Process Of Globalization, Cultural And Ecological Beauty And Chinese Culture And Niche Research

Posted on:2004-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360122460422Subject:Literature and art
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The history of communication is as long as the history of human being , and the communication on global sphere is the highest level , but the ideal target of the globlization process ought to be the reasonization of communication on whole world.The radical issue on the communication process is the relation between communication subjects,the reasonization of communication is the reasonization of relation between communication subjects as well.The human being communication is expanding from region to the whole world,it includes material civilization communication and spiritual culture communication,this thesis is focus on the reasonable situation of spiritual culture communication relation on the globalization process,name that culture eco-aesthetic issue.firstly, look through the culture history. It is the essencelism and oppositism view of cosmos that be in the central position in the human being thought history,so that it is full of opposition and conflict in the spiritual culture communication history.for being blind in the association of the diversal cultures and their particular value,the more powerful culture conceived a intense overwhelming feeling ,and kept a view of culture ego-centralism, utmostly expanded to a culture imperialism ambition and developed the culture colonilism action.On the other hand ,the weaker culture losed the culture self-confidence,and denied its own culture traditional value wholely,or imaged the perfect of its own culture ,closed and limited itself,then leading to a culture nationalism.The culture communication relationship that full of opposition and conflict blocked the human being culture developing and progressing.secondly,the constructure of culture-eco-beauty.The culture communication relationship that based on the view of essencism and oppositionism is uneco,it is the constructure of culture-eco-beauty that can rectify this kind of relationship.The culture-eco-beauty is the realization of the value of all units equally and freely.The constructure of culture-eco -beauty is founded on the whole philosophy and the eco-view; the constructure of the culture-eco-beautyneeds to break the closed situation ,to deny the essencismic unicentralism,to give up the view of opposition and conflict,but needs to abide by the opening principle,pluralism principle and coexisting principle;it should exceed the model of dependance and the model of competition ,but construct a coexisting model on the opening principle ,pluralism principle and coexisting principle,because in the model of dependance and the model of competition the value of all culture units cann'tbe realized equally and freely,but in the model of coexisting it not only can realize but also can realize initiatively,and so push the whole human culture's improvement and development.Thirdly,the eco-location of the chinese culture on the background of globalization .With the development of globalization a whole culture-eco-circle will come into being .From the entry into the WTO then on ,chineseculture was involved in the global culture-eco-circle unavoidedly,and will face a lot of issues such as globalization and nativization,commonism and particularism,unitary and pluralism and so on .Appling the theory of culture-eco-aesthetics to deal with these issues can enbody its practical value.Chinese intellectual have been thought about these problems since moder times,but because of the historic limitness,it was the passive eco-location-upholding that standed in the leading position ,furthermore they wavered between the nation cuture nihilism and parachial culture nationism.On the background of the globalization ,the historic limitness will be overcome in the eco era.The chinese culture ought to participate into the global eco-circle working actively under the direction of opening principle,plural principle and coexisting principle and within the model of whole-existing. Chinese culture ought to enter the human being culture eco-circle working confidently and contribute it with our own value ,and do try to work as the...
Keywords/Search Tags:the globalization, process culture-eco-beauty, eco-relationship of cultures, chinese culture, culture-eco-location
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