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Han, Wei And Six Dynasties Fiction Story Of The Han Dynasty

Posted on:2004-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R T ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360092995275Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the whole study of the novels history, Han Dynasty, Wei kingdom and Six-Dynasty novels was not always the emphasis because of its dim literary form, complex concept, and mixed record in document. Now our study has been mainly gathered in its author and works, entirety character, theme classification, and analysis of its art style and features, etc. They seldom made a detour from the novels in ghost record and human record to explored and paid close attention to one of the narrative systems.As a real character in history, Hanwu Emperor has been left much grow space from history works to Six-Dynasty novels. In this period, people's spirit space was fully wide; thought was unusually active, cultural circumstances were comparatively flourishing. In the particular background of culture and thought, many novels about ruling class's politics and daily life were emerged in large numbers. The authors all wanted to realize their particular wishes and demands through their narration in spit of their all kinds of aims in novels creation. In our modern eye, however, these novels still objectively present and reflect some true of history which had already been died.As a real emperor in history, Hanwu Emperor has been fully described by the novelists in Han Dynasty, in Wei Kingdom, and in the Six-Dynasty period, and a lot of story systems in relate to history record has been produced. And, these story systems appeared in all kinds of features in these novels. Its extensive theme and peculiar background have a strong appeal to our study sight.Just like other Six-Dynasty novels, Hanwu Emperor- Story records were very short, confused and disordered. Thus we have to make up our minds to occupy the original materials much to the full, and put all the stories together in order to study then on the whole. We want to induce thestypes and characters which were hidden in the system interior through attentive read and analysis; then, on the base of former study, we can excavate the intension of Hanwu Emperor, and promulgate the values of realization and literature finally in the demonstration effect.The full texts include five sections."The Introduction" mainly introduces the study meaning, train of thought, and study present situation about the problem.Section one is the "Document Records of Hanwu Emperor Story". In this section, we have been combed the problems concerned carefully and systematically from 14 novels in Hanwu Dynasty and Six-Dynasty. Those are concluding: author, edition, period of works, records of Hanwu Emperor Stories, etc. In the part we will thoroughly grasp the target's external condition on the base of tightly textual research. This will be the basic point of the whole study.hi section two, we have the interior of the text hi the mind, and put the scattered stories together hi three types: worshiping the immortals story; inspection and happy encounter story; politics and living story. The focal point is the fist type.After we have been analyses and induced the main story types, the third section would look on all the Emperor Hanwu Stories as a whole, and explore then" total character. From the development, content, relation to history, cultural character of the stories, we conclude four points: l.the locus of the stories evolution becomes simplifier and simplifier; 2.the editions which the stories were record differ hi many ways. 3. The relationship about the stories and history become delicate and complex; 4. These stories have been strongly enveloped by some mysticism color.In the last section, we put the emphasis on the intension of the character of Emperor Hanwu. Those follows: 1. a emperor of imperious, capricious, crave for greatness and success and a common man of true tolife; 2. a enlightened emperor of astute intelligent and capable, reasonable and a ordinary person and layman of selfish, greedy, which was bent on immortals. 3. the inherent paradox of Emperor Hanwu character. Through the deep analysis of the three aspects above, we could discover the complex...
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynasties
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