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Literary Creation And The Aesthetic Mechanism Study

Posted on:2004-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360092495231Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Literary creativity is one of crystals of aesthetic activity fundamentally. There is a close relation between literary creativity and aesthetic mechanism from the point of happening science. Aesthetic activity, as an appearance of a peculiar way to master the world, is the prerequisite of literary creativity. The self-tendency and instinct tendency of aesthetic activity propel the happening and proceeding of aesthetic creation. And literary creativity is the main field of aesthetic activity. All of the real creativities are a aesthetic retrospect, memory and pursuit. From the point of happening science, this article, using the method of dynamic research, aimed at revealing the aesthetic rule of literary activity and mastering this complex process through its momentary, mobility, fluidity, crossing, multi-field, motivating principle and internal life.1. The instantaneous composition and diachronic forming of literary creativity and aesthetic appreciation.Dialectical materialism views that literary creativity and aesthetic appreciation is a combination of the rational and irrational. That is to say, the artistic show of the literary creativity and happening is an instantaneous composition. Psychological preparation, based on he historical collection, formed diachronically.A. irrational factors of literary creativity and the happening of aesthetic appreciation, that is to say, instantaneous composition. The character of literary creativity and aesthetic appreciation is instantaneous, sudden-happening and random. The coming of literary creativity and aesthetic appreciation is often caused by some incidents, instead of being groundless. Only the outside stimulus and cerebral thinking arrive at a certain kind of combination, does the creativity take place.B. The rational factors of literary creativity and the happening ofaesthetic appreciation, that is to say, diachronic forming literary creativity and aesthetic happening is usually sudden, out of expectations. It seems that they are groundless without any preparation. But, to study carefully, we'll find that the literary creativity and the happening of aesthetic appreciation is rooted in long-day collection, repeated practices. It is the result of hard research. There is certainty, which is controlled by rationaling in occasional happening.C. The methods to elicitate literary creativity and the happening of aesthetic appreciation. These methods are the following: method of modest creation based on continuous accumulation, of mood upon environment, of subconciousness cultivation, and stimulation and induction, etc.2. The director of literary creativity and the mechanism of aesthetic happening-the fixed tendency of aesthetic psychology.The fixed tendency of aesthetic psychology is one of the elements of the writer's psychological structure. In literary creativity, it is the direct motivation to elicit creativity and produce stimulus. Once the potential was stirred, it will change the great spiritual motivation and psychological energy. So we can say that from the writer's selection of perceptual form in daily life, the extraction of the them to the working out of its plot, fixed tend of aesthetic psychology has an effect on every step either in a clear way or secret way.A. The reasons for fixed tendency of aesthetic psychology in literary creativity.The complex and multi-field reasons can be summarized as two factors. One is pre-aesthetic factor. The other is present aesthetic factor.B. The fixed tendency aesthetic psychology is a combination of the peculiarity and generality.The peculiarity and generality of the fixed tendency of aesthetic psychology is exclusive to each other, but meanwhile is attractive. It is adialectical unity.The individuality in the process of aesthetic structure enriches and promotes the development in the general factor of grouping aesthetic structure. The generality, formed in the human's long-time aesthetic practice, is the base of individuality.C. The positive effect of fixed aesthetic psych...
Keywords/Search Tags:Aesthetic
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