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On The Personality Of Debussy's Piano Music

Posted on:2004-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis here holds that Debussy's piano music has extreme individuality and originality. Its rebel against and innovation in the traditional music far exceed the inheritance and continuity. The thesis analyses the relation between "impressionism" and Debussy 's piano music, the five causes of the formation of Debussy's personal music works in artistic technique and playing requirements. The thesis points out that although Debussy's piano music is called "impressionistic music", but it mainly represents Debussy's hobbies and his personal characteristics. Reconsidering the way "impressionism" was used to generalize the distinctive features of all "impressionist" composers, the thesis points out we should delineate them. Since Debussy was deeply influenced by "symbolist" literature and poets, the thesis makes a brief explanation on some representatives of "symbolist" literature from different angles, and puts forward some personal views of the author, including that Debussy's techniques of expression he drew on the experience of poets and writers were different from one another. The study made by the thesis in the novel personality and innovation of Debussy's piano music aims at making playing get closer to the intention of creation of the composer and display better the unconventionality of Debussy's piano music.
Keywords/Search Tags:Debussy, piano music, personality, innovation
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