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On Confucian Historical Tragedy

Posted on:2001-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360065955511Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the beginning of the twentith century, the slogan of "Down with Confusianism" was raised in the New Culture Movement. This was defermined by the Chinese anti-imperialist and anti-feudal solial character at that time. In this movement. Confucia, the famous educationist and thinker in China, acted as the accompanying burial person of the feudal dictatorial system, which was a political and historical tragedy to Confucia. The real reasons that caused this tragedy are: the contradiction between Confucia, the Confucian between Confucia, the Confucian doctrines and the social reality of "Li Beng Yue Huai" of the Waring States Period. The epoch and class limitations, make Confucia repeatedly meet with setbacks in his political life. After the foundation of the feudal dictatorial System, for Confucia and the Confucian doctrines were advantageous to the foundation, restoration and consolidation of the feudal dictatorial system, in order to safeguard their ruling positions, the successive feudal dynasties made the political use of Confucia and the Confuican, doctrines and deified and idolized Confucia increasingly. In addition, the scholars for the use of emperors had distorted, dismembered and reformed Confucia and the Confucian doctrines in Han dynasty and Song dynasty ,which made the Confucian doctrines increasingly meet the needs of the feudal ruling and become the theoretical tool of the feudal dictatorial system. And with the end of the feudal dictatorial system, the tragedy that Confucia was used by the feudal rulers ended, too. So it is the inexorable requirements of our epoch development to objectively appraise Confucia and the Confucian doctrines based on facts, and to conclude and critically inherit this legacy of history Conscienciously.
Keywords/Search Tags:Historical
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