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To Decline, From The Tide

Posted on:2002-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032956870Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ANSTMCTThe author analysises the developmeflt of romanticism on thenew literatUre. Romanicism trend reached a Summit at the periodof WuSi and it declined quickly. It has dissaPpeared as a kind ofliteratUre trend, but its spirit had been existing in the next tWentyyears.The particular destiny of modem romanticism in China hasfour seansons. First, the proIetariat literature campaign ldriited it.Second, kinds of romantic trend in the Occident imfiuenced it.Thir4 the ialluences of society reality and traditional cultUre.Forth, romanticism itself presentS some issues.With the ana1ysis, the author draws some conclusions there1ation of romanticism trend and socity trend, and creativeprincipal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Decline,
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