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.11-18 Years Old Student Of Character Structure And The Type Of Empirical Study

Posted on:2002-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G DouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032956738Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Empirical Study on the Structure and Type Modes of Personality of11-18A StudentsAbstract1. PurposesThe dispositional psychologists of personality psychology are dedicated to the search of basic traits of human personality. It is their important methods approach to perform the analysis of various sets of personality variables with the statistic technique of Factor Analysis for conceptualized model of personality structure and for better understanding of the essence of human personality. Great advancement was achieved within the domain.Research of constructing of type model of student's personality is significant to the practice of psychological education. Former approach of constructing was too simplified, and therefore its direction to practice was poor.On the basis of the reviwe of the relative fields, the present study prefers two goals.The present study analyzed all of the urban norm samples data of 24 variables that are included in Student Personality Scales (11-ISA) to clarify the basic dimensions describing the personality difference among 11-18A students. Then analysis were performed to explore the continuity and cohere of the development of personality structure using samples data sets of different schooling level, and to discriminate the sexual difference of personality structure using sets of different sexes.This study used these 24 variables as descriptors of student's personality nature, analyzed all of the urban norm samples data with the technique of Cluster Analysis and Discriminant Analysis to construct the empirical model of personality type for the reality of students. Then the same analysis were performed to consider the continuity and cohere of the development of personality type characteristics using samples data of different level, to discriminate the sexual difference of personality type characteristics using samples data of different sexes.2. MethodsThe subjects of the present study were the urban norm group samples of Student Personality Scales (11-18A) of Yunna province.This study analyzed the personality variables with the Factor analysis procedure. It is a kind of multivariate statistic technique that is often used in data reduction to identify a small number of potential factors in a much larger number of manifest variables.In the analysis procedure of personality structure the following statistic process ware performed: (1) Factor analysis of all of urban norm group sample data sets of Student Personality Scales; (2) Respective factor analysis of three sample data sets of urban norm group of Student Personality Scales originated from high grades of primary school, junior high school and senior high school; (3)_Re^ectiye factor analysis of two sample data sets of urban norm group of Student Personality Scales originated from different sexes. The method of extract of factor was principle component extraction, and then both rotated factor-loading matrixes generated respectively from Varimax and Promax rotation were presented.Then the techniques used in the constructing of personality type model are K-Means Cluster Analysis and Discriminant Analysis. The procedure of K-Means Cluster Analysis attempts to identify relatively homogeneous groups of cases based on a set of observed variables. However, it requires the researchers to specify the number of clusters. Discriminant Analysis is another kind of multivariate statistic technique that discriminate the category of cases based on the observed variables. It is useful for situations where researchers want to build a predictive model of group membership based on observed characteristics of each ease.The procedures of constructing of personality type model were carried out at two steps. At first, the cases of norm group samples were clustered with the technique of K-Means Cluster based on the scores of 24 personality variables, then the membership information that would use in the next step were generated. Then based on the information, the models of rule for practice would be constructed from the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Character
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