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Han And Jin Dynasties Ru Ying Figures Flow Cloth And Effect

Posted on:2002-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032956391Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
憀ucre Iwo niajc)r catiscs which lead to the distribution of Ruying people across Chitia lii I Ian and jiti I)ynasty, the whole country was a battlefield. T~ere were incessant skirmishes in the region Sc) that Buying people lost safe living environment. itt Order to keep away from th?chaos of war, many people emigrated to the stable regions. Secand, those Buying people who had the tendency to earn a fame in politics havejoined different groups as advisets or generals. In Han and Jin Dynasty; the distribution of Ruying people can be divided into two periods. First, from Dongahuo was attacked to the formation of Three kingdoms. Second, from the formation of 慖抙reo Kingdoms to the beginning of West Jin Dynasty~ In the first period, Ruying were mainly distributed in the districts of QingjiYouBing, jingzhou,XuYang and jiaoZhi. Latter, when the Three Kingdoms. were fbunded,Ruying people were settled at last. Most of them entered the group of Caowei, some in Sunwu, some in Shuhan. During the distribution, Ruyitig people influenced on two respects: politics and cultura On politics, Ruying stitnulatecl one who was appreciated to the high fame, and in a certain period they recommended someone to some .gro up, trough whom they influenced the politics indi-rectly, meanwhile, they als o played an Important role in politics in per-sont On culture , they attribut ed to the prosperity of the culture of their inhabitation. Moreover, the numb er of books of Buying District listed first among other districts, which were mainly about classic, his- tory and literacy. itt this period, the most profound influence of this district was calligraphy. Among several calligraphers in Buying District, Zhong You w as most famous. I us art of calligraphy was appreciated by several generations of co)tuloisseurs. Kaishu, which he created as a kind o f new character, made I Ian cI~aracter maturer and more stable and standard ,from then on, die form of IRan character had been se- ttled.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynasties
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