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Saga Novels Of The 20th Century, 90 Years

Posted on:2002-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H SiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032954956Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Look back the literature history of Chinfi and the foreign, we canfind that the writings on fami1y have bui lt diverse 1iteraturP scenesduring its constant changes. With the development of the era, moreand more writers began to pny attention to ffimi1y conscious1y. Andthey made it the front of cu1ture discussing in order to rebuild an..imagine relationship between individual;tnd society, history andreality. The plenty writing on fami1y in l990s proved that fami1y hasbecome a col1ective unconsciousness in contemporary writers'creating. At the end of the century China was involved in the tendencyof the whole earth, with this literature appeared edged and varied.The change of the rea1ity in China during the trtlnslbrm period supplieda new literature background that was the f1ooding of popular cultureand the fixing of fo1k sense. Thus unique characteristics appearedin the writing of fami1y novel in 1990s.Farei1y touches history c1ose1y, in ffimi ly novel wei ting in l990shistory narrating diagramed the strong attachment to the po1itics,and the edged of 1iterature and the popular of folk speaking dissolvedthe strong wishes that the writers interpret the center speaking. wnatdifferent from the ear1 ier dua1 ism history nzirrating patterns was thatin family novel in 1990s the history narrating took multipleviewpoints. The choice of fo1k cultural value and the impact ofenl ightening tradi tion consciousness formed the wri ters complex mood,thus formed the folk thinking character of history narrating. Theyobserved the coIDPlex nature of a human being in the comp1ex historybackground l at the same time they ftttached some metaphor to thehistory in order to think our nation's hard 1iving. Furthermere insome avant--garde writings history existed on1y as the picture Qfpeople's exiting. writers wnote deduction family history frompersona1ity view and bui1t subjective history background.With the speeding of the who1e earth, the spreading and impactingof citify in 90s made the writers who ful1 of strong loca1 comp1extraP into the predicament. 0n one hand, writers wanted to surpass the1ocal traditiona1 culture, but they felt panic doubt when they cameinto city. So they thought themselves rootless. 0n the other hand,they had to find dependent in their critic about the local culture,so they cou1d resist the perplexed threw by the city. Thus they bothappreciate and criticize the local tTadi tion cul ture. At the same timeduring the pursuit of city modern cu1ture they fel1 into thepredicanent because of ci ties' vice products such as violence andevil. In mbdern civilization mud and sand are came along which madethem awake and as1eep. They experienced the matchless contradictionand anxious during the specia1 period.The culture value's di sordering, writers' persona1ity value'sdropping and the flooding of popular culture so on 1ead tomu1ti--cu1ture space in 1990s. Etirlier weiters' iispiration of curingwere broken, the varied society made writers feel the world isuncontrolled, salvation f:tnd en1ighten w()u1d face lonely plight, nowcritic and refusal became the withered flowers of yesterday. Underthe condition, writers attempted to escape the reality to faIni1y, butthey found fatalism. Thus describe of f;xtalism and the fata1isticdescribing became a tactics. Wri ters medi tated the shortcoming of thetraditiona1 patriarcha1 system and right of man through fatalisticdescribe the woman's tragic fate. Furthermore, in the avant-garde writing theappearance of mySticism led to cycle complex. At this time hiStory alwaysthreaten to personality fatalism always show people's falure and disasterReasonless Stfength shoOt the people con8tamly, and the reasonless becamepopular psychology in l990s. APplying the tactcs was the results of wriersSUbective narrating, and what's more it well adaPted to the popular readingexpect. The phenomena branded the special character of l990s d...
Keywords/Search Tags:fandly novel, the folk thinking character, the predicament, fatalism
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