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The Era Of Fission Break Through And Conversion

Posted on:2002-11-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032954954Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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The essay concentrated on the complicate course and deep causeof the turnjng of the Group o+ Creation. The rebe11ion o+ the Group ofCreation's author causes a great disturbance in China, especia11y itsturning caused more perp1exed in 1ate period. This paper will exp1ainthe reason and the consequence of the group's turning, and then onthe basic o+ thdt research the deve1oping model of literature in 20'sand 1ater times.The first pdPt: breaking through and being converted1nner multj--reason5 impe11ed the turning of the Group ofCreation.(1) The Group o+ Creation entered the historic arena as rebeI toploneers at the moment oE the "May 4,',,1iterary revo1ution'sending -As a group oE new force ernerging a11 sudden, it's the 1arge5thistoric value in early period is making--up a missed lesson +or the"May 4" "literary revolution. It is easjer for the Group o+ Creation tobreaKing through the stipuldtions or rules of the revolution because o+jts completely new bdsic.(2) But when steppjng Out of the historjc circumstances o+ the"May 4" "literdry and facing with a new society, the writers of theGroup of Creation lost thejr abiljty of sparking to the world andothers because o+ their lacking of deep and profound the radicalsediments, just like make their weak Iives exiled. Its no doubt thatturning the way of living is their method5 to break through the lo5tstdte for their unwilling o+ indifference.(3) The consciousness of tending to new things dnd the jnstinct D+revolting despair mdde them accept the revolutionary literature--thenewest theory full o+ most fighting spirits at that time. And theinTluence oT media o+ culture of Japan let them develop the feelingsof agreeing with this naturally, so it cleaned the psychologlcal barrierswhlch comes from difference cultures and made thejr turning pos5ible.The second paFt: Being convePted and cornbining: a generation DfintelleCtuals' choice of the timesThe outer reason' existing is a necessary factor for the Group o+creatjon' turning.(l) To the writers of the Group of Creation, they can get theability of sparking only when +ind the powerful theoretjcal weapons. Sothey didn't accept the viewpoints of art and literature as a kind ofconnect science or objective law, but developed unilaterally therevolutjonary practicality to the most point, which make it be dcceptedas a kind o+ ideology and theoretjcal weapon to use and mdster. Thetwo kind living circurnstances urged them accept this theory together.(2) The cDllaboration of the GrDup of Creation and Taidong publishingBureau which has been neglected For a long time is a very import8ntIiving Surroundings impelling its turning. Taidong publishing 8ureau'sexp:oit in economy urge their con5ciOusness of class arise and imPelthem accept the theory of class struggling jmjtatively in thedi++iCulties, so the turning is unprevented.(3) The circle of intellectuals in China formed strong anxiety toexplajn China when they were +acing the unstably changing +act. lnwhjch the writers o+ the Group of Creatjon are stronger. They tried toexplain rationally by new proletariat revolutionary literary theory fullo+ consciousnes5 o+ struggling. That brought a big power to the turning.The thjrd paPt: exceeding dnd losjng --the historical revelationHow did the Group of Creation in+luence on the development ofChinese modern ljterature and culture?(l ) The ldnguage and dction o+ the Group Df credtion arealways full o+ very kind of contradictory e5pecially it obey the neeoso+ the development of history and completed' the change from"literary revolution" to "revolutionary literature" in which itembodjes the peculiar characters o+ modernjty.(2) The turning not only let writers of the Group Df Creatlongive up to their consciousness of egoisrn and romantic dno lyric ideal,but also made the losing o+ cream point o+ the rnodern jntellectuals.Most oE thern turned thejr focus on the polj...
Keywords/Search Tags:the Group of Creation, turning breakthrough, convert
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