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Wisdom And Beauty Concerto

Posted on:2002-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Q YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032454951Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the first part of the dissertation, I think Buddism is the derivationof the Artistic Conception. Yi and Jing hadn't been used in the Chineseintrinsic literatures together. There are the theory of Six-bases and thetheory of Six-realms in Buddism. The Consciousness-rea1m is the realtnof dharma, which is the 6'l' realm. The Consciousness-realm is theabstract ki1owledge that we get by thinking. The theory of the Material-realm, Passion-realm and Consciousness-rea1m, which was advanced byWang Chang1ing, roots in the theory of Six-realms.We can't study Artistic Conception by the cognitive method and thernetaPhysical way, because the Artistic Conception is the allisticinterpretation of the Being. Non-analysis is a method that we used tointerpret. The Artistic Conception abundant1y presents the true existentsand the true senses of the life by the non-analysis method. The trueexistents and the true senses of the 1if e present different kinds of faces indifferent conditions. So the Artistic Conception is idiograPhic andinfinite.In the second part, I think the MetaPhysics of Weijin Epoch (MWE)is Dualism based on the antinomy between mind and matter. Theessence of MWE is intellectua1 metaphysics. This reduce the blend ofnoumenonology and cosmology in MWE. So it's difficult to MWE tofinish the task, which is to cancel the dualistic antagonism of cognitionand object, mind and matter.Under the background of MWE, the categories of aesthetics havethe object properties. It has answered the issue, What is the elements ofart, by the categories such as imago, form, spirit, rhyrne, mind, matterand false or true. It thought the beauty of works roots in 1ogos, gas,being and nothing. MWE made the aesthetics 1imited by theepistemology and rnetaphysics. Aesthetics was apart from the aestheticpractice.ln the third part, I think the Buddist Nirvna is the logica1 ground ofthe Artistic Conception. The Buddist Nirvna overpornes the defects ofDualism. It cancels the absoluteness of intellectua1ity by the theory ofviewing neutrality and the theory of dependently coordinated existenceof the elements. lt breaks the durance of antagonistic thought-mode byviewing reality, viewing postu1ate, viewing neutrality. lt constructs theepistemology based on pure consciousness and the noumenonology ofmind. At last, it develops the useful and discards the useless of thenoumenonology of mind, negates the metaphysics by the Non-analysisof the Negative Wisdom.Chinese classica1 aesthetics use for reference this negativity ofwisdorn from the Buddist Nirvna. In the development of aesthetic theory,it needs a logical stage of building nothing to cancel the alienation madeby the using of language. Because of this logical inevitability, theArtistic Conception came into being. The Artistic Conception reflectsthe deep relation between the wisdom and the beauty.The methodology of the Buddist Nirvna brought great infection tothe historical theories of the Artistic Conception. Jiao ran and Yan yuborrowed the methodology of viewing neutra1ity to build their theories,the theory of neutra1 Tao and the theory of subtIe rea1ize, whichemphasize intuiting the essence of the poem. Wang Fuzhi absorbed theidealistic view of the epistemo1ogy of the Buddist Nirvna. Then headvanced the theory of lntuiting, which perfected the theory of ArtisticConception on the aspect of thinLking mode. This indicated the uniforfnre1ation between the Artistic Conception and the Consciousness-realm.
Keywords/Search Tags:Artistic Conception, Dualism, the Buddist Nirvna, NegativeWisdom
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