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Canxue Fiction The Unconscious Writing Exploration

Posted on:2012-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330335971268Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Since Can Xue published her works in 1985,she has presented her pioneer status in the world.Her socalled uncouncious writing style with surrealism puts the critics to an embarrassed situation and makes the critics difficult to value her works.To get a better undersatanding of her writting style is good for us to uncover the mistery of Can Xue's works and thus dig out the deeper meaning of its implication.Though unconscious writing has sometihing in commom with surrealism,but seldom people notice the links and differences beteen the two. Someone may analize her works from the perspective of psychoanalysis,but mostly for a single chapter of a work or a certain type of characters,not systemetically discusssing the forming reason of Can Xue's uncouncious world.Moreover,most of them pay much attention to her works in her earierstage while lilltle to her plenty of works in her later stage.This thsis mainly focuses on the links and diffrences beteen unconscious writing and surrealism,completely finds out the reason for Can Xue forming the unconsious world in her novels from the point of psychoanalysis and integrally grasp her creations so as to probe into the position of her creations in the history of literature and the social value.Can Xue's novel has a significant feature of Western modernism, especially in fantasy, mysticism and irrational unconscious expression. Kafka,considered as pioneer by the schools of modernism in 20th century and Borges,the master of magic modernism in Latin American,are respected by Can Xue and have a great influence on her.However,Can Xue's novel is different from Western surrealism.Though she loves to act as a stenographer in writing,she never excludes the influence of ration.On the contrary,she repeatedly stresses the importance of supervised by ration.Meanwhile,Can's unconscious writing clearly point to the real world,presenting the speciality of Chinese history and culture.Can Xue unifies imagination and ration in her unconscious world which forms a fit between the unconsciousness and consciousness.Hu Nan,the seedbed of Chu's wizard culture and Can Xue's special experience create preconditions for her forming the unconscious world.Her experience makes her insist on having her own way thus she always feels lonely and depressed when she cannot handle the relationship with the people around her. Freud thinks the unconscious isone of the source of unconsciousness is that the painful event experienced in the early age caused trauma in one's memory. Horney even considered relationship as an impotant reason for a child to form its personality;if the child cannot properly handle this relationship,it may form the "basic anxiety".Can's early works mostly absurdly describe theFantastic world,which hold a antagonistic attitude to the outside world and subvert the order of reality. With the creation of the mature works,her works gradually transfer from outside to inside and achieve the purpose of purifying the sou through constantly self-examination, division, negation.With the development of market ecomomy,pure literature is facing unprecedented challenges,but Can Xue is still being a vanguard,not only moving forward alone but also full of potential.Her unconscious writing has a special meaning in Chinese literature and innovates the function of Chinese,which develop a new era for novel's creation. Forerunnes like Lu Xun commited to enlightning the people in the last century,which formed the "May Fourth" tradition.Due to the speciality of Chinese history,the task of enlightenment iof ration is not yet completed while elite intellectuals gradully are marginalized,Under such difficult situation,Can Xue connects the ration enlightenment and critical tradition of "May Fourth",playing an important role in Chinese modern and contemporary literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Can Xue, unconscious wrting, unrational, rational
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