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Qin And Han Dynasty Imperial Cult Building Research

Posted on:2012-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330335971115Subject:Historical philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Worship has occupied an extremely important position in China's long feudal society history. As an old Chinese saying goes, a nation's fate lies on worship and military. The rulings class formulated integrated procedure and ritual for worship following the laws and ethics of Chinese feudal society and the sites for the ritual were strictly selected. The Chinese ethics became completed gradually between the Qin and Tang Dynasty. As a great unification dynasty which inherited the ethics system of Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty was a period of prosperity of Chinese ancient architecture. Etiquette buildings, an important component of Chinese ancient architecture, also gained tremendous development. This article tries to make comprehensive sorting and organizing analysis for etiquette buildings of the Qin and Han Dynasty based on archaeological materials. In the preface, the author tried to elaborate the object, significance, innovation and research focuses of the article and analyzes the achievement and deficiency of current research on Qin and Han Dynasty etiquette buildings. The text is formed by four chapter:The introduction part describes the major topics, purpose and research priorities of the article, analyzes the results and deficiencies based on current Qin and Han etiquette building research, and points out the innovation and significance of this study.In the first chapter, the author mainly discusses the sort and development of nature etiquette buildings of Qin and Han Dynasty according to archaeological materials and ancient monument.In the second chapter, the author focuses on the humanities etiquette buildings, including the ancestral temple and the temple architecture. Category changes are discussed as well as their respective reasons for change.In the third chapter, the integrated etiquette buildings composed by Ming tang and nature etiquette buildings in south are studied respectively according to the in archaeological excavations data and ancient books.In the fourth chapter the author summarized the characteristics and essence of the etiquette buildings mentioned above.In summary, the author discussed the classification and development of etiquette buildings and pointed out the Deep-seated cause of the change and development, hoping to make some contribution to the research on etiquette buildings of Qin and Han Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qin and Han Dynasty, Nature etiquette buildings of Qin and Han Dynasty, Thoughts features
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