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Archiving And Transmission Of Dynamic Images Of The Pacs In Medical Research

Posted on:2002-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360032955042Subject:Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the present technology of communication, the video compression arithmetic and the Large Scale Integration, digital video connecting with PACS and breaking the present status that only static digital images can be stored in PACS will become reality sooner or later. It will promote PACS to work more remarkably in the modern medical system.Based on this idea, the paper first introduced the structure and the present status of PACS, and analyzed the necessity and feasibility of dynamic video connecting with PACS. Then the paper introduced the prevalent present video compression arithmetic putting stress on the principle and criterion of MPEG - 1 adopted over the practical condition. In succession, the paper introduced TCP/IP, which is the applied network communication protocol, and discussed the technique of developing the network communication protocol based on the winsock interface and transmitting the video and audio on the Windows. Finally, we put forward the system structure for the dynamic digital video connecting with PACS and realized the network transmission, and analyzed the capability and the problem of the system, and gave the method to resolve and the proposal to develop the latter stage of the work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transmission
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