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Promoting Blood Circulation And Governor Tang To Treat Acute Spinal Cord Injury And Experimental Study Of The Relationship Between Serum Endothelin

Posted on:2002-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360032952026Subject:Orthopedics scientific
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Spina1 cord injury(SCI) is defined as disfilnctiol1 of spinaI cord whichincludes disfunctions of lrotion, senseness, sphincter and refleCtio11 belowill jury lAce as the result of directed or 1ndiIected violence on normal spine andsplnal cord SCl could severely 1nfluence the patients' life quality, eventhreaten life Till no1V theraPy to SC1 is sti1l a trouble in rnedica1 field. A lol ofclinical a11d experimental studies proved it 1vas effic]ent to SCI with Chineseherb DeI]g Jinfeng, ot-thopaedical pIOfessor of Guangdong provincal hospi1alof TCM got good effectiveness witb move-biood and dredge-du-channeldec('ction(MBDDC) to cure acute SC1 The princlp1e of this decoction is tomove blood. remove stagnation and dredge du-channel accordiI1g topathologica1 character of lack of blood and oxygen during the incipient per odof SCI This study carried out experimental research on MBDDC, discussedreIations}lip bettveen endothin(ET) and treatlng SCI with MBDDC, and set upthe basis for the research of nlechan1sm of treatment of SCl with move-bloodand remove-stagnation herb1 ReviewThe artic1e sum[narized the last process of treall11ent. new recognition ofSCl's cause and mechanism by retbIfring to research accomplishment ofSCl2 FoundaftiOn offonllulatiol1Pr(>fessoT L7etlg think aCute SCI 1s caused by v1olel1ce \rolence illJureDU channcl, make disturbance of Qj and blood, the stagnation obstf-uct thechannel, the iimbs Iose the nutrient of Qi and b1ood Move-blood andremove--stagnation herb is aPplied during the beginning period, to dredgeDu--c1lannel Move-b1ood and relnove-stngnation herb can amelioratemicl-ocirculation, elIminate heary and stick}' sta1us of bIood in llght ofclinical Pharmaceutical research This fOfmulae is lnade up of Dahuang.Chishao. Santli, Taoren. Zhishi, Tianhuanfeng. Honght1ang. l:a11gfel1g. ThefOrmulae can lnove blood, remove stagnatlon and dredge du-channel tomake thc tYesh occur after lhe old3 [ixperll1lentaI studyFive mouse tvere employed in 69 1nouse as bIac[; gToLlp(BG) atrandom, the others aftel n1odel-mak1ng t'erc located in[o three groups atraT1dom lnjury col1lIDl gfoup(ICG. fed tv]th norrua1 foTage), Chinese herbgroup(CllG, tbd with Ch]nese herb thro[lgll stomach), and hornrone4group(HG, injected with MP through abdominal cavity). ET Ievels wasdetected and pathological photomicroscopy was checked at the time of 6hr24hr, l week and 2 wed aller model-making. Function of spinal cord wasdeteCted at the day when the mouse wake up after operation, and the l,,week, the 2n0 week befOre kil1ing the mouse according to combinedbehavioral score(CBS) to evaluate the restore of neural funCtion ofdifferent groups.(l) ET level in ICG was higher than in BG at the time of 6hr afteroperationre<0.05), ET level increase continuously at the time of 24hr, 7days, l4 dcys aller operation(P<0.0l). ET level in CHG and HG wassignificantly lower than in lCG at the time of 7 days, l4 days aftermodel-making(P<0.0l). ET level was a little lower in CHG than in HG,but there was no significant difference between them(P>0.05).(2) The restore of neural fiJnction of spinal cord according to CBS; therewas sighficantly dmerent betweenCHG, HG and lCG.(3) Result of pathological photomicroscopyt the changement was thesame in three groups at the time of 6hr 24hr aller model-making, theinjury was lighter in CHG and HG than in ICG at time of l week afterfeeding drug, the injury become more lighter till 2 weeks.To sum up f this exPerimental study proved move-blood andremove-stagnation herb is effective to cure SCI, ET level can reflectpathological cheqement following up injury and treating effectiveness of SCI.
Keywords/Search Tags:Acute spinal cord injury, Endothelin, Therapy ofT.C.M
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