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Contact From The Body Thrombosis Model Of Production And Intra-arterial Thrombolytic Efficacy Observed. Young Pig Carotid Artery

Posted on:2002-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective :To set up a model of internal carotid artery(ICA)occlusion with autologous blood , evaluate the thrombolyticefficacy of urokinase(UK) in local intraartery and the pro-tective activity of DXM. Method :To damage intima of ICA inimmature pigs by balloon denudation,into which thrombin wasinjected locally and attenuate blood capacity 30 minutes toestablish a stroke model.The immature pigs were treated eitherwith saline solution ,urokinase or urokinase and DXM by localintraartery 2 hours after the stroke model was set up.Theimmature pigs were angiogrophied before and after throm-bolysis to observe the condition of the thrombus and recana-lisation .72 hours after reperfusion the immature pigs werekilled,the recanalisation of the artery was studied grossly,then ICA and brain tissue were harvested to study their path-ologic changes. Results : 1. Angiographies showed autologousthrombus model was set up successfully 30 minutes after en-dothelial damaged ,thrombin injected and focal blood velocitychanged . 2. After 2 hours of occlusion,the artery has higherrecanalisation rate by intraartery thrombolysis.3.The damagedegree of the group using DXM and UK is not so serious as thatof other groups.Conclusion : The stroke model set up by en-dothelial damaged,thrombin injected and focal blood velocitychanged resembles the complex pathophysiology of cliniclalstroke as closely as possible.Higher recanalisation rate wasinduced by local intraarterial thrombolysis and DXM may haveprotective activity.
Keywords/Search Tags:immature pig disease model DXMlocal intraarterial thrombolysis
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