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Linkage Analysis And Evaluation Of Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease B Early Diagnosis Value

Posted on:2002-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R R KuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
h~eetn抏 To cstfifllt C h en iUvdy L ad SpCei tie ty & U ii trasonogrt ~iliy ( JS) m tile diagnosis ol Lilt )501 t 1 iou nt n polyeystuie cidncy t iseqse (ADPKD) types I N4ethods Genetic hnka e analysis & renal I. IS wt 5 )ortornle( rn 1 0 La iles with a utosomaI d ~i a au I p0 yeysl?11?. ney d et~ se 1w 1 1 iteh ding 95 a dtvtdutd,?~ c 46 of 11 & i~ Worn at fl ( YR yOllfl~Ci t]I~ 111 30 years~Three niierosatelhte iiarkers SN/JO (2W2 CWt were use .1 in the Iii cage ai alysis. sensitivity nd specificity of I IS lw diap抧osus wa.~ estiim ted y eo i w ring th ?US result,: w?h oem types in erred from. linkage tdcs. Bcsults Link抰pe an抜ly&s idenlifiet 21 pntients younger than 30 years wit u ADPKD. 1) of hen抜( 90. ?~? were lmded at east one rc~ I ys s, 17(81 ~0%)were Th gnosed h / JS with the sit nd~ a t 1 st 1w ) cysts in one kit ney am one cyst in tie other. IS ~moiistl2 tee a sensitivity ol 8 i/0, a specificity ol 1 00%, and an aecun ey ) 91 ~M 11?2 .~> Conclusion US is an important method that should be used in the diagnosis of ADPKD typel.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kidney,Polycystid,Autosomal Dommant, geneticsultrasonography, Linkage
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