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Expression Of Cd44s And Cd15 Quantitative Expression And Significance In Prostate Cancer

Posted on:2001-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B YeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: o study expression of cell adhesion molecule CD44s and CD15 in pmstate carcinoma ( PCa) , and to evaluate its clinical significance. Methods: 42 case of PCa and 15 case of benign prostate Iiyper- plasia ( BPI-1 ) I iave beeii studied by nnmunohistochemical technique and image analysis technique. Result: 1) The postive eXpreSsion of CD15 in PCa were signifi- cantly higher than in BPH(p < 0.01) . The Lii) regulation of tile CPI5 proteiii correlated with tile rise of Gleason grade 811(1 chiiical stage( p < 0. 01) . Expression of CD15 in metastatic PCa significant higher than in non metaslatic PCa. 2) Strong inetnbranous staining pattern was seen in the epithelial cell of the BPH , either a regional 1)attern or a diffuse pattern were seen in PCa. PCa showed significant loss of CD44s ex- pression , which correlated with tile rise of tumor Gleason grade and clinical stage (p <0 . 01) . The inetastatic PCa showed significant lower expression than non ?iiietastatic Pca ( p < 0 . 01) . 3) There were sig itificant reverse Correlation l)etweeIl the eXJ)reSSioII level (if CD44s 81111 CDI 5 (r 0.439, 1 < 0.01) . 4) lnlage analysis tecileili(lue has a important value in quantitative ai lalysis ol. niniui iol iistoehiermst.y Conclusions : Aberrant eXpreSSion of CD44s aiid CDI 5 correlated with cliiiicai stage , Gleason grade and metastasis in PCa , CD44s mid CDI 5 1)Iayed an imj)ortalllt role ill I.Ite inaigiaill.)rogreSsioL1 PCa and could be used as a marker of malignant poteiitioli ail(l prognosis of patient with PCa.
Keywords/Search Tags:prostate carcinoma, CD44s, CD15, Immunohisto-chemistry, Image analysis, metastasis
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