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Based On The Scp Model Chongqing Retail Theoretical And Empirical Research

Posted on:2011-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M TengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360308984089Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Retail is the merchandising industry which sells the industrial and agricult ural productions directly to residents as consumption or to the social group as public consumption. People usually think retail industry as an important symbol to measure a country's comprehensive competitiveness and an important indica tor of the degree to reflect the prosperity of the country. After the reforming a nd opening up, Chinese national economy maintained a trend of sustained, heal thy and sound rapid development. Since the twentieth century and the nineties, Chongqing retail have got into unprecedented prosperity, substantial of the soc ial selling is growing year by year, the total social investment has poured in to the retail, new forms of retail have come thick and fast, influx and foreign capital has poured into chongqing continuously. After 10 years of developmen t.retail industry of Chongqing has made tremendous achievements, increasing modernization level overall and diversified development trend of retail formatsThis paper attempts to analysis and discuss the retail industry in Chongqin g by the the perspective of relevant theories of industrial organization, the stu dy will benefit for further understanding and improving of the theory of indust rial organization. Theory of Industrial Organization is mean to study the corpor ate behavior and market structure of the market in the conditions of imperfect competition. Theory of industrial organization is mainly to solve the problem s o-called "Marshall conflict", that is, the conflict between scale economies of th e industry with business enterprise competition. Theory of Industrial Organizati on is the applications of Micro-economics in the no fully competitive market, which core is to study the industrial organization of the market structure, mark et behavior, market performance and the relationship among the three. This arti cle will apply theory of industrial organization to the retail industry study, that is the extension of studying and application of the theory, and which is benef it to further development of industrial organization theory and practical applicat ion of it.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chongqing retail industry, industrial organization, effective allocation of resources, analysis paradigm of SCP
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